fees all kinds of small pruett spoken of stuff like that. yes what do people who have the local shareholder value will much more like to keep you know why because they have believed you logical just dislocation mistaken look. this is my goal to slow responsibility shareholder value that's what's allowed flat and i think in descending way people in wars we have a really is it time creating an ideology of the free market insulation who can only shave a few fractions of a second of their trade their free will be fine in taking people who've been. you know so so. rude these so the old you. know the solution for regulating the market i hear you and real quickly before we go one note on on conflict of interest it's interesting you talk also about these issues in academia where you have professors who are maybe writing papers and and not disclosing that they have received money from from research organizations or organizations that may benefit from those papers and this is something that charles ferguson discussed in inside job and actually it's on