it makes sones why student go to enrichment field trip jz interact with nature and go to the prusidio or go to the beautiful parks and team media centers and do research about what interests them. as we think about moving from a agrarian society where the school calendar made sense to 21 century global economy and division 2525 our district talked about imagining what we do in education it makes learning should be year jound enriching and contextualize in the most beautiful classroom in the world san francisco. i want to thank the voters of san francisco for entrusting in us for a quarter century the abilities to create this type of classroom so thank you to the voters of san francisco and policy makers, thank you for giving the early start of enriching the lives of the student in san francisco. i also would be remisthat other commissioner is here, mendoza is here. thank you mr. mayor. >> wow, what a wonder-it is a beautiful day, sunny, bright and it is perfect day to be announcing this expension. i hope that the sun osgeths the press release of the summer expansion so the sun will ma