pshelley jimmy kimmel live is p: next, followed by night line. phave a good night. p[captioning performed by the pnational captioning institute, pwhich is responsible for its pcaption content and accuracy. are you having trouble sleeping? do you toss and turn at night? do you wake up feeling tired and with a stiff neck? your pillow could be the problem. if you want a better night's sleep miracle bamboo pillow! you want to wake up well rested and energized this pillow will give you what you need and you're looking for. i have been amazed. it is so soft. it is so comfortable, and i am really able to get a great night's sleep. i was skeptical at first because i've tried so many pillows and this has been the answer to my comfort. first night i slept through the night and i haven't done that in years. i'm sleeping again. i'm sleeping again because of this pillow. i love this miracle bamboo pillow because it's changing my life. it's just an awesome pillow. i finally found my perfect pillow. sleep better, feel better and live better with the miracle bamboo pillow. hi, i'm