showed the eyes by which clients or potential clients get a multiplied of services including money pshth mrthd management it is in the same place they meet with a money manager it is 15 steps away it is assessable to folks i found that impressive additionally clients get money management counseling through their case manager that works with them on prioritizing spending that came up during the monitoring again, i thought it was a very thoughtful service to provide it shows they're not only managing people's money but helping people to manage their money it is a great asset to have within that service we request our approval for this at bloift. >> the first one so clarify the memorandum is for the bayview senior center and the connecticut more house we have two separate months ago covered in this document questions or comments. >> commissioner loo. >> what is the organization ar p something model or whatever. >> yeah. so a while back aarp designed a money management program to my knowledge building that it went away and now money management is staffed by a staff person member that is paid the f