shortly after his debt was sorted out, alan says a psni officer returned to his door to tell him police'd sorted it. i said i've been told its sorted, and keep my mouth shut and not say anything. she said, "oh." she got up, she says, "thanks for everything. "i hope everything's sorted out." and away she went. they were willing to help, so they were, but it had been taken out of their hands by the paramilitaries. i can understand your victim's concern for his safety and that of his family, and wanting to get the matter dealt with, but... and he did the right thing in reporting the matter to the police, absolutely. i would encourage anybody to come forward. but by engaging in that type of arrangement, what you are doing is perpetuating the coercive control that these paramilitary organised crime groups have on our community. you're allowing it to perpetuate, the problem. it's not as if the police didn't want to help. yeah. but the clear message from this case study is that people in that community didn't think that was an option. no, and that's part of the difficulty because you had someo