Feb 10, 2016
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phe told the crowd it' psouth carolina and said that pwashington liberals may find psouth carolina to be a far less phospitable environment. pagain senator ted cruz saying phe' s happy with his showing here pin new hampshire tonight, saying pthe real winners are pconservative grassroots. pfrom here they are on to south pcarolina. m shelley walcott, wmur news9. pjennifer: marco rubio is padmitting his debate performance paffected how he did tonight. ptom: he is in fifth place right pnow. pjennifer crompton is at the prubio election night gathering pin manchester. p>> not only did he not get the pstrong finish he hoped for, he pblames himself for the middle of pthe pack showing. pthe first-term senator from pflorida talk to supporters psaying he called donald trump pand congratulated him, then for pthe first time since the debate psaturday he referenced his erformance, acknowledging it plikely made the difference in phis new hampshire primary run. p>> are disappointment tonight is pnot on you, it' s on me. pi did not do well on saturday pnight. p>> he promised to be back and psays he is
phe told the crowd it' psouth carolina and said that pwashington liberals may find psouth carolina to be a far less phospitable environment. pagain senator ted cruz saying phe' s happy with his showing here pin new hampshire tonight, saying pthe real winners are pconservative grassroots. pfrom here they are on to south pcarolina. m shelley walcott, wmur news9. pjennifer: marco rubio is padmitting his debate performance paffected how he did tonight. ptom: he is in fifth place right pnow....
Feb 28, 2016
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pwith 100% reporting, clinton pcommanded 73.5% of the vote from psouth carolina. psanders only received 26 and pdidn't win in any county. pclinton has wins in three of the pfirst four contests like donald ptrump and the republican field. p>>> it looks as if the results pshow strength among minority pvoters. pexit polls indicated pafrican-american voters paccounted for more than 60% of pthe vote in south carolina. pthat same voting block will be pkey in southern super tuesday pstates like georgia, arkansas, p>> alcides: the focus shifting ptowards super tuesday. ptexas is the crown jewel with pthe most delegates at stake for prepublican and democratic arties. pit's also considered a must-win pstate for ted cruz who needs panother win to slow down donald ptrump. p12 other states will also be pheading out to either vote on pthe primary or the caucus. phillary clinton and bernie psanders will be fighting for the p865 democratic delegates. pin the meantime 661 delegates pwill be allocated for the prepublicans. pmany of which donald trump feels pconfident that he will g
pwith 100% reporting, clinton pcommanded 73.5% of the vote from psouth carolina. psanders only received 26 and pdidn't win in any county. pclinton has wins in three of the pfirst four contests like donald ptrump and the republican field. p>>> it looks as if the results pshow strength among minority pvoters. pexit polls indicated pafrican-american voters paccounted for more than 60% of pthe vote in south carolina. pthat same voting block will be pkey in southern super tuesday pstates...
Feb 10, 2016
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pjohn kasich will be live from psouth carolina. pand as always, we are online p24/7 on our "nightline" facebook age and at abcnews.com. pgood night, america. p>> announcer: abc news, honored, pwinner for the second straight pyear with the edward r. murrow paward for overall exc emery, we're gonna be late forp dinner at honey and marvin's. t why aren't you ready? sorry.pjust give me one second. i'm almost donep with my love wall. r jessica: love wall? i'm decorating my room withpall the valentines i got from the girlsrin my class. you give love,ryou get love.
pjohn kasich will be live from psouth carolina. pand as always, we are online p24/7 on our "nightline" facebook age and at abcnews.com. pgood night, america. p>> announcer: abc news, honored, pwinner for the second straight pyear with the edward r. murrow paward for overall exc emery, we're gonna be late forp dinner at honey and marvin's. t why aren't you ready? sorry.pjust give me one second. i'm almost donep with my love wall. r jessica: love wall? i'm decorating my room...
Feb 10, 2016
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phow is the race shaping up in psouth carolina? p>> reporter: well, in the prepublican race who knows pbecause anything can happen and pwe saw that tonight. pbut we do know that according to pthe latest polls donald trump pstill has that double-digit lead pin south carolina. pmarco rubio and ted cruz follow. pfor the democrats, hillary pclinton is leading bernie psanders by a large margin and pthat's the point she's been pmaking over and over again. pshe appeals to the national pdemocratic electorate which is pwhy she's the democratic pfront-runner but we all know pbernie sanders won't go down pwithout a fight. p>> that's true. pwe heard so much from ted cruz pon iowa's primary night, caucus pnight but not so much last pnight. pwe'll have to see what happens. pkenneth, thank you so much. p>> the voters of new hampshire pdealt a disappointing blow to pben carson. phe was the doctor who once pin dead last in the primary. pcarson canceled his event in new phampshire last night. phe left the state early and pheaded to south carolina wh
phow is the race shaping up in psouth carolina? p>> reporter: well, in the prepublican race who knows pbecause anything can happen and pwe saw that tonight. pbut we do know that according to pthe latest polls donald trump pstill has that double-digit lead pin south carolina. pmarco rubio and ted cruz follow. pfor the democrats, hillary pclinton is leading bernie psanders by a large margin and pthat's the point she's been pmaking over and over again. pshe appeals to the national...
Feb 10, 2016
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phe also says he is focused on psouth carolina. pwe will have to see what happens ptonight as primary day comes to pa close. ptom: chris christie has said he pwill go on to south carolina no pmatter what, but there is pconcern if he doesn' t do well pjennifer: he had a huge role in pthe debate, but was that in pshifting the focus onto himself por onto marco rubio? pwe will find out tonight. plet' s go to rubio headquarters. p>> senator rubio is hoping to ptake that bounce from iowa and pturn it into a strong showing in pnew hampshire. pat 44, he is the youngest of any pof the candidates in either arty. p2010. phe is a conservative. phis tickets rallying cry on the pcampaign trail has been reserving me -- biggest prallying cry on the campaign pamerican dream. phe believes he is the best bet phe has been talking about punifying the conservative pmovement and the republican arty, bringing in young people erhaps, in reference to his page, deflecting comments about phis inexperience and talking pabout his work on the senate pmaking him
phe also says he is focused on psouth carolina. pwe will have to see what happens ptonight as primary day comes to pa close. ptom: chris christie has said he pwill go on to south carolina no pmatter what, but there is pconcern if he doesn' t do well pjennifer: he had a huge role in pthe debate, but was that in pshifting the focus onto himself por onto marco rubio? pwe will find out tonight. plet' s go to rubio headquarters. p>> senator rubio is hoping to ptake that bounce from iowa and...
Feb 24, 2016
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psouth carolina, of course, next pfor the democrats. pclinton ahead by nearly 30 oints in the pomes for south pcarolina. p>>> stand with abc news for full pcoverage on super tuesday with pspecial editions of "good pmorning america" and "world news ptonight." pand george and the entire owerhouse political team on the pair beginning at 10:00 p.m. peastern, tuesday night. pexclusive, and the national pconversation tonight. pthe debate over whether apple pshould help the fbi break into pthe iphone used by sigh yad pfarook, one of the san pbernardino killers. pmy exclusive interview with papple ceo tim cook, who is pstanding firm. psaying this is not about one piphone. pthis is about hundreds of pmillions of iphones and rotecting everyone, american pfamilies, and the information pthey store on their phones. pand he says, what the fbi is now pasking would set a dangerous recedent. ptwo polls just this week showing pthe country divided. pso, we want you to listen ptonight, and let us know what pyou think. pas we sit here, you know some of pthe
psouth carolina, of course, next pfor the democrats. pclinton ahead by nearly 30 oints in the pomes for south pcarolina. p>>> stand with abc news for full pcoverage on super tuesday with pspecial editions of "good pmorning america" and "world news ptonight." pand george and the entire owerhouse political team on the pair beginning at 10:00 p.m. peastern, tuesday night. pexclusive, and the national pconversation tonight. pthe debate over whether apple pshould help...
Feb 10, 2016
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pshe was hoping to surge at the pend and take some momentum into psouth carolina. pshe signaled a shift in message pgoing forward to focus on some pof the similarities she has with psanders and thanks to the pindividual donors to her pcampaign. p>> people have every right to be pangry. pbut they are also hungry. pwhat are we going to do? pthat is the fight we are taking pto the country. pmike: hillary has a debate in pwisconsin on thursday before pheading to south carolina. pthat is now one win for bernie psanders and one for hillary pclinton with a long way to go. perin: thank you. pjeb bush is riding some momentum pheading into south carolina and pnevada after a fourth-place pfinish. psean: he thanked the people of pnew hampshire last night for presetting the race and ropelling him forward. phe says he fell in love with the rimary process through the pdozens of townhall' s he held phere. p>> who do you want to serve as resident of the united states? pwho do you want to lead this pcountry? p>> do you want someone like phillary clinton or donald trump? p[booing] p>
pshe was hoping to surge at the pend and take some momentum into psouth carolina. pshe signaled a shift in message pgoing forward to focus on some pof the similarities she has with psanders and thanks to the pindividual donors to her pcampaign. p>> people have every right to be pangry. pbut they are also hungry. pwhat are we going to do? pthat is the fight we are taking pto the country. pmike: hillary has a debate in pwisconsin on thursday before pheading to south carolina. pthat is now...
Feb 10, 2016
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pyou talked about self da and psouth carolina upcoming for the pclinton campaign, they had been phoping for big wins there but pnow facing a real fight pespecially in nevada. p>> reporter: they certainly are, pgeorge. pthis is that fire wall that phillary clinton's team has been ptalking about banking on her psupport in circus especially pamong african-american voters psanders is already running pspanish language ads there and pgo. pcertainly i tell you, that mood plast night was so somber inside pthem. pnervous about what comes next. pretool? p>> a lot. pshe lost badly among young pvoters, among women and has a phuge trust problem. pshe has to retool that campaign pto a great degree. p>> thank you all very much. pbernie sanders will be live on p"the view" for his first pinterview since the primary. p11 owe p11:00 a.m. an abc. p>>> the supreme court put brakes pon president obama's plan to pfight climate change and limit pgreenhouse gases at power plants pbut the justices temporarily pblocked it into going into peffect. p>>> a new warning from top pintelligence officials. pthey expect i
pyou talked about self da and psouth carolina upcoming for the pclinton campaign, they had been phoping for big wins there but pnow facing a real fight pespecially in nevada. p>> reporter: they certainly are, pgeorge. pthis is that fire wall that phillary clinton's team has been ptalking about banking on her psupport in circus especially pamong african-american voters psanders is already running pspanish language ads there and pgo. pcertainly i tell you, that mood plast night was so...
Feb 20, 2016
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p>> more than 2,000 miles to the peast republicans battling for psouth carolina. phoping for a big turnout. p>>> p>> reporter: jeb bush greeted pvoters with a message about pdonald trump. p>> trump can't win. p>> trump is predicting he'll ptake south carolina and then psome. p>> they add up 100% of peverybody. pi'll get a lot of those votes. p>> one voter isn't sold. p>> he is a loose cannon. p>> ted cruz is second and pvolunteers at his call center pwere working to put him on top. p>> today cruz attended the pfuneral for antonin scalia. pjohn kasich is out of town, pcampaigning to standing room ponly towns in massachusetts pahead of supertuesday. p>> marco rubio is hoping the phelp him rebound from a pdisappointing fifth place pfinish. p>> and ben carson predicts he'll pdo better than recent polls psuggest. pcurrently he is near the bottom. plook for results from south pcarolina and-in on cleveland 19 pnews at 9:00 and 11:00. p>> all right. panother live look outside right phere in northeast ohio. pa warm and windy supersaturday pafternoon. pjohn is next with your first er all across amer
p>> more than 2,000 miles to the peast republicans battling for psouth carolina. phoping for a big turnout. p>>> p>> reporter: jeb bush greeted pvoters with a message about pdonald trump. p>> trump can't win. p>> trump is predicting he'll ptake south carolina and then psome. p>> they add up 100% of peverybody. pi'll get a lot of those votes. p>> one voter isn't sold. p>> he is a loose cannon. p>> ted cruz is second and pvolunteers at his...
Feb 28, 2016
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phillary clinton wins big in psouth carolina, but now all the pcandidates are looking to ptuesday's big primary day. p>> alcides: the biggest night pin hollywood here. pit's oscar sunday. pwe're breaking down the big pcategories before tonight's pacademy awards. p>>> from tampa bay's number one pnews station, this is "good day ptampa bay." p>> anjuli: good morning to you, pand welcome to "good day tampa pit's 7:00 a.m. on a sunday pmorning. p>> alcides: i'll ail side segui pand thank you for being with us. pjim weber is here filling in for plindsay milbourne. pgood morning, jim. p>> jim: it's a good weekend. pwe have plenty of sun yesterday, pmaybe a little on the cool side pfor some of us. pbut today we're going to kind of pfine-tune that and still pbeautiful conditions. pwe're a little warmer. plook outside right now. pyou can see from the lakeland pnet cam just a gorgeous-looking psunrise with some scattered pclouds overhead and temperatures pthis morning starting out a ptouch on the cool side. phere in tampa we sit at 48 pdegrees. pwesley chapel is 43, brandon is p41 degrees. pstill
phillary clinton wins big in psouth carolina, but now all the pcandidates are looking to ptuesday's big primary day. p>> alcides: the biggest night pin hollywood here. pit's oscar sunday. pwe're breaking down the big pcategories before tonight's pacademy awards. p>>> from tampa bay's number one pnews station, this is "good day ptampa bay." p>> anjuli: good morning to you, pand welcome to "good day tampa pit's 7:00 a.m. on a sunday pmorning. p>> alcides:...
Feb 27, 2016
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pthis is the primary day for psouth carolina. pdemocrats, hillary clinton and pbernie sanders are battling for pdelegates. pcraig is covering campaign 2016. p>> voters headed to the polls in pthe democratic primary. phillary clinton has a huge lead pover bernie sanders in the polls phere. pclinton wants to establish p>> when you look at all the pcandidates out there, there is pnobody more qualified. p>> some voters see sanders as pmore relatable. p>> he seems like a nice person. pwhenever he is on tv -- he seems pso nice. p>> clinton crisscrossed the pstate trying to protect her plead. pboth candidates are looking pahead to supertuesday when more pthan 800 delegates are up for pgrabs. ptoday clinton courted voters in palabama. p>> i know there are a lot of eople who-in this state who pwant to continue the progress we phave made. p>> while bernie sanders pstruggled, he shifted to texas. phe spent the day in austin. p>> if all of you come out to pvote and you bring your friends pand your neighbors and your pcoworkers, we are going
pthis is the primary day for psouth carolina. pdemocrats, hillary clinton and pbernie sanders are battling for pdelegates. pcraig is covering campaign 2016. p>> voters headed to the polls in pthe democratic primary. phillary clinton has a huge lead pover bernie sanders in the polls phere. pclinton wants to establish p>> when you look at all the pcandidates out there, there is pnobody more qualified. p>> some voters see sanders as pmore relatable. p>> he seems like a nice...
Feb 28, 2016
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p>> alcides: presidential pcandidate hillary clinton came psouth carolina. pshe beat bernie sanders with 73% pnow, both camps and republicans pwill turn their focus towards psuper tuesday. phere to talk more about this is pchris wallace, host of "fox news psunday." phe joins us live from pwashington. pgood morning, chris. pthanks for joining us. p>> good morning, alcides. psunz p p>> alcides: you have donald ptrump as your first guess. pthe back and forth between rubio pseems childish. pit's working for trump, isn't pif? p>> we have to see. prubio went after trump last pweek. pwe talk next week talking to tt plive, ted cruz live and marco prubio. pwe have all three of the pfront-runners for the republican prace. pone of the reasons they're pcoming on and one of the reasons pyou see cruz and rubio go after ptrump, they're desperate. psuper tuesday is a big deal, 595 pdelegates at stake and they know ptrump is in a commanding osition, three straight pvictories. pthey have to find some way to p>> what does this mean for rieb prubio? phow important is tuesday fo
p>> alcides: presidential pcandidate hillary clinton came psouth carolina. pshe beat bernie sanders with 73% pnow, both camps and republicans pwill turn their focus towards psuper tuesday. phere to talk more about this is pchris wallace, host of "fox news psunday." phe joins us live from pwashington. pgood morning, chris. pthanks for joining us. p>> good morning, alcides. psunz p p>> alcides: you have donald ptrump as your first guess. pthe back and forth between...
Feb 10, 2016
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psouth carolina and nevada are pjust a week and a half away. pfirst in the south republican rimary is in south carolina. pit's february 20. ptrump still leading in the platest polls there but nevada p20th. pand recent polls show hillary pclinton has a strong lead still pin nevada. pthe parties switch states about pa week later. ptomorrow night there's one in pmilwaukee. psouth carolina on saturday. pelection season. pwe've got you covered. p>>laura: and the deadline to pregister for florida's residential primaries is pfebruary 16 or change your party paffiliation and because florida puses a closed primary system, pyou have to be registered for a arty in order to vote in the pand the forms are available in erson or online through the plocal supervisor of elections poffices or at any local library por driver's license office. rimary is march 15. pand florida voters also have the popportunity to vote by mail. pabout a third of hillsborough pcounty voters voted by mail in pthe last primary election. pvoters have until march 9 to prequest a vote by
psouth carolina and nevada are pjust a week and a half away. pfirst in the south republican rimary is in south carolina. pit's february 20. ptrump still leading in the platest polls there but nevada p20th. pand recent polls show hillary pclinton has a strong lead still pin nevada. pthe parties switch states about pa week later. ptomorrow night there's one in pmilwaukee. psouth carolina on saturday. pelection season. pwe've got you covered. p>>laura: and the deadline to pregister for...
Feb 24, 2016
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pa dangerous night ahead from psouth carolina all the way up pthrough new york. p>>> also breaking tonight, the prace for president, and donald ptrump, now marching to super ptuesday. phis landslide win in nevada. pand the major republican now redicting a trump surprise. p>>> the abc news exclusive ptonight. pmy one-on-one interview with papple's ceo, tim cook. pfor the first time, cook on why papple is refusing to help the pfbi break into the iphone used pby the san bernardino killer. p>>> new details tonight on the ilot in that deadly chopper pcrash. pwhat he was trying to do. p>>> and the famous sports
pa dangerous night ahead from psouth carolina all the way up pthrough new york. p>>> also breaking tonight, the prace for president, and donald ptrump, now marching to super ptuesday. phis landslide win in nevada. pand the major republican now redicting a trump surprise. p>>> the abc news exclusive ptonight. pmy one-on-one interview with papple's ceo, tim cook. pfor the first time, cook on why papple is refusing to help the pfbi break into the iphone used pby the san...
Feb 19, 2016
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p>>> republican presidential pcandidates stumping hard in psouth carolina ahead of ptomorrow's primary. pmost polls show donald trump pwith a big lead in the palmetto pstate and nationally. pthe rest of republican field now pstepping up their attacks pbillionaire business man calling pconservative credentials into pquestion. pthey believe in supporting the pfroops, they believe in making psure veterans get care. pthat's what i'm focused on. pwe live the way you living now pwe come from a where you come pfrom and we're conservatives pbecause best thing for you it pwas best thing for us ask pconservativism is best thing for pamerica. ptrump pushing back calling pseveral of his opponents liars peven threaten to sue ted cruz pfor running an ad suggesting ptrump is pro-choice. pi like to say i'm conservative pwith common sense. pi'm oh common sense conservative pa term nobody ever heard of pbecause you just came with it pabout two days ago. pdemocrats turn their folk us to pnevada. pnew fox poll shows a big shake pup in the race. pbernie sanders ahead of hillary pclinton nationally for the
p>>> republican presidential pcandidates stumping hard in psouth carolina ahead of ptomorrow's primary. pmost polls show donald trump pwith a big lead in the palmetto pstate and nationally. pthe rest of republican field now pstepping up their attacks pbillionaire business man calling pconservative credentials into pquestion. pthey believe in supporting the pfroops, they believe in making psure veterans get care. pthat's what i'm focused on. pwe live the way you living now pwe come from...
Feb 10, 2016
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psouth carolina will hold its pfirst in the south primary for prepublicans. pbut the real action, that comes pmarch 1st. palso known as super tuesday. pbig one. p>>> new at this hour, a case of pshoplifting at a local walmart ptook a tragic turn. pthe suspect, a 64-year-old man pdied after being detained. phe swiped hundreds of dollars psunday morning. pjosh reports, investigators are pnow trying to determine exactly pwhat happened after workers pconfronted him. p>>reporter: the final hours of pkenneth's life are far from pideal. p>>man: he died during committing pa criminal act. p>>reporter: the investigation pstarted sunday morning. pthe 64-year-old was shoplifting p$380 worth of dvds from the pwalmart when he was confronted pby employees, he took off prunning and then fell to the pwasn't breathing. p>>man: it's unfortunate for us pas a community and the employees pof walmart that had to deal with pthis. p>>reporter: they all did what pthey could to resuscitate him pbut he died at the hospital 12 phours later. pwalmart says it's cooperating pwith police and
psouth carolina will hold its pfirst in the south primary for prepublicans. pbut the real action, that comes pmarch 1st. palso known as super tuesday. pbig one. p>>> new at this hour, a case of pshoplifting at a local walmart ptook a tragic turn. pthe suspect, a 64-year-old man pdied after being detained. phe swiped hundreds of dollars psunday morning. pjosh reports, investigators are pnow trying to determine exactly pwhat happened after workers pconfronted him. p>>reporter: the...
Feb 6, 2016
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ptonight, he held a rally in psouth carolina. ptrump returned home to new york pcity last night, and said the psnow forced him to cancel a pmorning town hall in plondonderry. pit was his only stop in the pstate today. ptrump says he' ll be back in new phampshire tomorrow. pthe 3 candidates running closest pbehind trump all held town hall pmeetings tonight. pjean mackin caught up with them pand the voters who say they' re pup their minds. pjean: several candidates held pevents on friday night even pafter a long and snowy day out pon the campaign trail. pformer patriots player mike pvrabel introduced john kasich to pthe crowd in bedford. p>> governor john kasich. pjean: on the friday before the pfirst in the nation primary pkasich reached his triple digit pgoal, his 100th town hall in new phampshire. pat a salem school, the ted cruz preached capacity. phe asked voters who did make it pinside to show up at the polls pin bring some friends. pand in derry, marco rubio posed pfor pictures with every voter pwaiting in line after his tow
ptonight, he held a rally in psouth carolina. ptrump returned home to new york pcity last night, and said the psnow forced him to cancel a pmorning town hall in plondonderry. pit was his only stop in the pstate today. ptrump says he' ll be back in new phampshire tomorrow. pthe 3 candidates running closest pbehind trump all held town hall pmeetings tonight. pjean mackin caught up with them pand the voters who say they' re pup their minds. pjean: several candidates held pevents on friday night...
Feb 9, 2016
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p pjamie: 18,000 fans for this one pa sellout. psouth carolina in womens college phoops. pthe great brianna stewart with a plittle stop and go creates the pfoul and scores. p10 rebounds for her. pthen watch uconn beat the pgamecocks up the court with assing leads to an easy popportunity for morgan tuck, who pscores plus the foul 16 points. pthey win 66-64. pit was a white-out at lundholm pgym tonight,both outside with pthe snow and inside with the pfans as the unh wildcats took on ptheir america east rivals to the pnorth. pumaine. pthe black bears and the wildcats punh looking for the season psweep. pa big game for ronald jordan. pjordan had 25 points. punh wins 88-75. pthey improve to 14-9 this pyear. pdenver nuggets and brooklyn nets p, joe johnson gets the shot and pbanks it. pa three pointer for the pnot good news for the celtics. pchampionship game in the 64th pannual beanpot tournament. pout. pscoreless into overtime. pa quick wrister from up top, the pfirst 1-0 championship in pbeanpot history. psix titles in seven years for pthe eagles and 20 overall. there are ma
p pjamie: 18,000 fans for this one pa sellout. psouth carolina in womens college phoops. pthe great brianna stewart with a plittle stop and go creates the pfoul and scores. p10 rebounds for her. pthen watch uconn beat the pgamecocks up the court with assing leads to an easy popportunity for morgan tuck, who pscores plus the foul 16 points. pthey win 66-64. pit was a white-out at lundholm pgym tonight,both outside with pthe snow and inside with the pfans as the unh wildcats took on ptheir...
Feb 10, 2016
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p>> and now, it's onto nevada, psouth carolina and beyond. pnice to see you again. pbut today, when i asked, this pstark admission. pif the election were tomorrow, pcarolina and nevada? p>> no. pfortunately for us, the election pis not tomorrow. p>> reporter: he faces an uphill pclimb in those states, where a plarge portion of the m theic pvote is black and latino. pit explains his visit to harlem ptoday, trying to match hillary pclinton's strong support in pthose communities. pdo you really think you can beat pher on that? pthere are polls that show you pnonwhite voters. p>> i'm not denying that we have pgot a lot of work in front of pbut we have already closed the pgap. pwithin the african-american and platino communities. p>> reporter: hillary dloin now pfighting hard for those voters. p>> you have to face up to the phard truth of injustice and psystemic racism. p>> reporter: in new hampshire, pbrave face in defeat. p>> now, we take this campaign to pthe entire country. pwe're going to fight for every pvote. p>> reporter: but today, clinton poff the trail. pher t
p>> and now, it's onto nevada, psouth carolina and beyond. pnice to see you again. pbut today, when i asked, this pstark admission. pif the election were tomorrow, pcarolina and nevada? p>> no. pfortunately for us, the election pis not tomorrow. p>> reporter: he faces an uphill pclimb in those states, where a plarge portion of the m theic pvote is black and latino. pit explains his visit to harlem ptoday, trying to match hillary pclinton's strong support in pthose communities....
Feb 9, 2016
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for pan upset here, in fact, today, pclinton's team sent around a plist of her endorsements for psouth carolina, a sign, david, pthey are already looking to move ast this state. p>> all right, cecilia vega on pthis campaign every step of the pway. pthank you. pand a telling number tonight, by pone estimate, 44% of voters here pin new hampshire saying they pcould still change their minds pin the hours leading up to the rimary. ptoday, i met some of those late pdeciders who told us which way pthey went and why. pacross new hampshire today, pvoters determined to have their pvoice heard. pwe take you inside bartlett pelementary school in goffstown. psee the activity right in here. pvotering including pmichael clark jr., a veteran pbringing his son and his mother. phow important is this day in new phampshire? p>> very important. p>> reporter: he told us, he pvoted for hillary clinton, pbecause of her experience. phis mother says clinton hasn't p>> because we have a lot of vets pthat are coming home. pgoing over and coming home pand -- p>> forgot about when they come pback. p>> yeah, so, that's a ver
for pan upset here, in fact, today, pclinton's team sent around a plist of her endorsements for psouth carolina, a sign, david, pthey are already looking to move ast this state. p>> all right, cecilia vega on pthis campaign every step of the pway. pthank you. pand a telling number tonight, by pone estimate, 44% of voters here pin new hampshire saying they pcould still change their minds pin the hours leading up to the rimary. ptoday, i met some of those late pdeciders who told us which...
Feb 9, 2016
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pmany other candidates have palready booked campaign stops in psouth carolina. pclinton' s campaign staff. pwhat do we know? pnikole: "politico" broke that pstory. phillary and bill clinton have pnot been satisfied with the pcampaign' s messaging and digital poperations. paccording to sources, there pcould be some kind of shakeup in ptoday. pmrs. clinton was asked about pare overblown. psean: we know that some of the pcandidates have been feuding all pthe way to the finish line. pwho is clashing right now? pnikole: knows the prizes come pthe clinton camp and the sanders pcamp have stepped up their prhetoric against each other in pthe last couple of days leading pup to today' s primary. phillary clinton is accusing pbernie sanders of indirectly ptaking from money -- taking pmoney from wall street. pcalling the claim absurd and pdisturbing and they claim that pthe clinton camp is desperate. pjeb bush is going toe to toe pwith donald trump. pthey are embroiled in a twitter pwar right now, with jeb bush pcalling the business mogul a ploser, a liar, a whiner. pdonald trump tweeted that jeb pbu
pmany other candidates have palready booked campaign stops in psouth carolina. pclinton' s campaign staff. pwhat do we know? pnikole: "politico" broke that pstory. phillary and bill clinton have pnot been satisfied with the pcampaign' s messaging and digital poperations. paccording to sources, there pcould be some kind of shakeup in ptoday. pmrs. clinton was asked about pare overblown. psean: we know that some of the pcandidates have been feuding all pthe way to the finish line. pwho...
Feb 10, 2016
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pshe was hoping to surge at the pend and take some momentum in psouth carolina. pshe signaled a shift in message pmoving forward to focus on some pof the similarities she had with psanders. p>> people have every right to be pangry. pbut they are also hungry. pthey are hungry for solutions. pand that is the fight we are ptaking to the country. pmike: hillary has a debate with psanders on thursday before pheading to south carolina. preporting live in manchester, pmike cronin. psean: thanks. pjeb bush is riding some momentum pnevada. perin: he thinks the people of pnew hampshire for resetting the prace and propelling him forward. phe also says he fell in love pwith the primary process through s that he pmove forward. resident of the united states? pwho do you want to leave -- lead pdo you want someone like hillary pclinton or donald trump that pwill pursue their ambitions at pthe expense of service to the eople that truly need the help? perin: after pulling in just psingle digits support, new pjersey governor chris christie psays he is going home to new pjersey toda
pshe was hoping to surge at the pend and take some momentum in psouth carolina. pshe signaled a shift in message pmoving forward to focus on some pof the similarities she had with psanders. p>> people have every right to be pangry. pbut they are also hungry. pthey are hungry for solutions. pand that is the fight we are ptaking to the country. pmike: hillary has a debate with psanders on thursday before pheading to south carolina. preporting live in manchester, pmike cronin. psean: thanks....
Feb 18, 2016
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plast night in a town hall in psouth carolina, he used his pfrontrunner status to challenge ptrump's friends to sue him over pa campaign ad. p>> this has not been a typical prace by any sense, and i don't pthink anyone is surprised that pdonald is threatening to sue eople. phe's done that most of his adult plife. pbut this letter really was -- plook. pi've practiced law 20 years and pthis letter really pressed the pbounds of the most frivolous and pridiculous letters i've ever pseen. p>>jennifer: ben carson and marco prubio were also at the town phall. prubio is getting a bump in south pcarolina thanks to an pendorsement from governor haley. pshe has 81% approval rating. pher message has been vote for panyone but trump. p>> i want a president that's pgoing to fight back on the last peight years we've had to deal pwith and also going to make sure pthey hold a conscience to every prepublican to make sure they're pto do which is balance budgets, preduce our debt and grow our preserves and i think marco rubio pis the man to do that. p>>jennifer: trump will have a pchance to respond tonig
plast night in a town hall in psouth carolina, he used his pfrontrunner status to challenge ptrump's friends to sue him over pa campaign ad. p>> this has not been a typical prace by any sense, and i don't pthink anyone is surprised that pdonald is threatening to sue eople. phe's done that most of his adult plife. pbut this letter really was -- plook. pi've practiced law 20 years and pthis letter really pressed the pbounds of the most frivolous and pridiculous letters i've ever pseen....
Feb 22, 2016
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psanders stayed on the trial in psouth carolina. p>> if you look at national polls pand you want a candidate who is pyou're looking at him. p>>reporter: sanders would be phappy just to have a strong psecond place showing in south pcarolina. p>>russell: thank you. ptake care of your voice. p>>laura: he doesn't have much pvoice left. plook around work today. pyou may find a few co-workers pstaying home sick. pit is going around, isn't it? pthe latest data shows an pincrease in flu cases around the pstate. phillsborough county has the pmost. pand this year's strain seems to pnot just seniors. phealth officials are urging peveryone to get the flu shot. pthat's the best way, they say, pto protect yourself and everyone paround you. pmeantime, some people might be pskipping work because they're a plittle sore. phundreds took part in pyesterday's 39th annual pgasparilla distance classic. pthey ran the half marathon. paustin richman won the race with pa time of one hour and seven p>>russell: is that good? p>>dave: that's great. p>>laura: kay
psanders stayed on the trial in psouth carolina. p>> if you look at national polls pand you want a candidate who is pyou're looking at him. p>>reporter: sanders would be phappy just to have a strong psecond place showing in south pcarolina. p>>russell: thank you. ptake care of your voice. p>>laura: he doesn't have much pvoice left. plook around work today. pyou may find a few co-workers pstaying home sick. pit is going around, isn't it? pthe latest data shows an...
Feb 15, 2016
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psouth carolina had nded primary pvictories to his father and pbrother. p>> mark: if you want to head to pthe ohio primaries, you have puntil tomorrow to sign up. pthe board of elects will stay popen until 9:00 and you can also pregister at all public plibraries. p>>> the help wanted sign is pgoing up at the new hilton hotel pin downtown cleveland. philton plans to hire 300 people pand no hospitality experience is pnecessary. pthe hotel offers full benefits ackage. ositions will be filled in pmarch and april. pthe 600 room hotel opens up in pjune. pif you're interested, preview pand 26th of this month. pthe sessions run from noon until p1:00 and 6:00 until 7:00 on both pof those days. p>>> well, we all know the pgrammies are tonight right here pon cbs. pbut before the big awards dan pderoos has some facts and trivia pto grill us on today. p>> dan: yes. pand, mark and romona, we're pgoing to bring you in in a plittle box. pwe're going to play a little pgrammy guessing game. pfirst of all, this is the first ptime it's ever been on monday pnight. pit's usual
psouth carolina had nded primary pvictories to his father and pbrother. p>> mark: if you want to head to pthe ohio primaries, you have puntil tomorrow to sign up. pthe board of elects will stay popen until 9:00 and you can also pregister at all public plibraries. p>>> the help wanted sign is pgoing up at the new hilton hotel pin downtown cleveland. philton plans to hire 300 people pand no hospitality experience is pnecessary. pthe hotel offers full benefits ackage. ositions will...
Feb 26, 2016
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psouth carolina also has a phistory of selecting the pcandidate who goes on to become pthe nominee. pus a lot of insight there. pwell, one largo woman proved ton retty lucky after winning a pmulti million dollar jackpot. pthat's right. pruby scored big on a florida plottery matching all six winning pnumbers for grand prize of p$43 million. pthat's her take home. p90-year-old woman bought her ptickets in winn dixie lottery pofficials say they decided to ptake lump sum $31 million. pwhat's a million or two pdifference? pshe's not only one seeing dollar psigns this morning winn dixie pstore got $100,000 commission pfor selling the winning ticket. pno word yet on how ruby plans to pspend her millions. p>> yeah. pall right. pit's nice outside. pyeah. plooks good. pbeautiful. pright, dave? pit has for us that winter pbreeze. pjust kind of feels cool outside. pit's nice. pit's turning dryer though. pand even dryer than it was just pa couple of hours ago. pwe actually had a weak front pkind of a little secondary push pif you will of cooler dryer air. pso we're at 56 degrees in tampa. pit's 52 i
psouth carolina also has a phistory of selecting the pcandidate who goes on to become pthe nominee. pus a lot of insight there. pwell, one largo woman proved ton retty lucky after winning a pmulti million dollar jackpot. pthat's right. pruby scored big on a florida plottery matching all six winning pnumbers for grand prize of p$43 million. pthat's her take home. p90-year-old woman bought her ptickets in winn dixie lottery pofficials say they decided to ptake lump sum $31 million. pwhat's a...
Feb 10, 2016
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news pfor hillary clinton tonight is pthat the race now heads south pwhere she has a big lead in psouth carolina. pgood news for bernie sanders pbernie sanders, he wins bigs and pthe polls in other states don't pstay the same, he has a big shot pof momentum as the races head to pnevada, south carolina and pseveral other states before we pget to florida on march 15th. p>> we know you'll keep watching pnumbers. p>>> a second man has died after panother deadly strip club pshooting over the weekend. pa total of 8 people were shot pearly saturday morning. pfamily and friends gathered at pthe club tonight to honor the ptwo victims and speak out pagainst gun violence. pfox 13's crystal clark had a pchance to speak with them ptonight. pi'm sure a lot of emotions out p>>reporter: you bet, kelly, pespecially since the gunman is pstill on the streets. pfamily members say they want pthis person behind bars where he pbelongs but they're going to pneed the community's help to get pjustice. pfor the first time since psaturday's deadly shooting, club prain reopened its doors but it pwasn't for business, it was
news pfor hillary clinton tonight is pthat the race now heads south pwhere she has a big lead in psouth carolina. pgood news for bernie sanders pbernie sanders, he wins bigs and pthe polls in other states don't pstay the same, he has a big shot pof momentum as the races head to pnevada, south carolina and pseveral other states before we pget to florida on march 15th. p>> we know you'll keep watching pnumbers. p>>> a second man has died after panother deadly strip club pshooting...
Feb 10, 2016
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phe will be at a severe pdisadvantage in the state of psouth carolina. pcarolina with little money and pan organization as he gets a pgood bounce out of new phampshire, definitely that works pin his favor and expect john pkasich to concentrate not so pmuch in south carolina but pmichigan which is also just paround the corner. p>>laura: i want to talk about phillary clinton and bernie psanders but we have to talk pabout jeb bush. pjeb bush comes in at four. p>>reporter: and they're fourth pand fifth place but it's a game pof expectations. pmarco rubio was expected to do pmuch better and then jeb bush erhaps overperformed and poutperforming marco rubio, this pkeeps jeb bush going. pand remember, he has a lot of presources. phe has a lot of money and he has pa very strong ground game in the pstate of south carolina. pso this puts him not in a great osition, at least in a decent osition to keep going, articularly as the race heads psouth. ponce again, jeb bush gets energy pand some oxygen out of new pto keep him going. p>>laura: all right. pnow to the democratic race. pbernie sanders conti
phe will be at a severe pdisadvantage in the state of psouth carolina. pcarolina with little money and pan organization as he gets a pgood bounce out of new phampshire, definitely that works pin his favor and expect john pkasich to concentrate not so pmuch in south carolina but pmichigan which is also just paround the corner. p>>laura: i want to talk about phillary clinton and bernie psanders but we have to talk pabout jeb bush. pjeb bush comes in at four. p>>reporter: and they're...
Feb 9, 2016
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pwe're looking forward to the presults tonight and moving on to psouth carolina. p>> romona: right now trump is pleading the poll and sanders for pthe democrats. pafter tonight, the campaign pmoves to south carolina for the pnext primary. p>>> and still to come at 4:00. p>> mark: target takes a new papproach for a new kid's pcollection. pwe're going to show you exactly pwhat that is. p>>> plus jen picciano. pdo you want your make friends penvious when they walk into your phouse? pi'm at the great big home and pgarden show. pit's a tough job, but somebody phas to do it. pcoming up, we'll show you what a p. p>>> live from cleveland's news pcenter, driven by don joseph ptoyota in kent, this is pcleveland 19 news. p>>> target is unveiling a new pline of toys that doesn't pander pthe new line called pillow ford pincludes more than 1200 items pand replaces long time pchildren's brands circo in that pstore. pthis follow as target's pannouncement last summer that it pwould no longer label its toy paisles. p>>> all right. phere we go. pand, you know, with the plake-effect
pwe're looking forward to the presults tonight and moving on to psouth carolina. p>> romona: right now trump is pleading the poll and sanders for pthe democrats. pafter tonight, the campaign pmoves to south carolina for the pnext primary. p>>> and still to come at 4:00. p>> mark: target takes a new papproach for a new kid's pcollection. pwe're going to show you exactly pwhat that is. p>>> plus jen picciano. pdo you want your make friends penvious when they walk...
Feb 2, 2016
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pbut going forward in places like psouth carolina and new phampshire, he has bigger leads. pthe ground game is less pimportant than a primary than it pis in a caucus. pi think this is a two-man race pwith ted cruz and donald trump. p>> mark: off to new hampshire. pour guy kasich from ohio has pbeen running up and down. pcrisscrossed it a couple more ptimes, right? p>> reporter: yes. pgovernor kasich has made it pclear new hampshire is his last pstand. phe has to get a strong showing pin new hampshire but he's robably not going to go. phe actually said in the pdocumentary which runs on show ptime. phe said, look, i have seven pnewspaper endorsements, new york ptimes. phe literally told a group of pvoters new hampshire is his last pend. pso we're going to see what phappens. pif kasich gets out of the race, pthe interesting thing is going pto be he doesn't have any pdelegates. pcruz? pbehind marco rubio? phe's definitely not throwing his psupport behind donald trump. p>> mark: listen, we don't have pto flip the coin whether to have pyou back again. pyou're really great. pdr. j
pbut going forward in places like psouth carolina and new phampshire, he has bigger leads. pthe ground game is less pimportant than a primary than it pis in a caucus. pi think this is a two-man race pwith ted cruz and donald trump. p>> mark: off to new hampshire. pour guy kasich from ohio has pbeen running up and down. pcrisscrossed it a couple more ptimes, right? p>> reporter: yes. pgovernor kasich has made it pclear new hampshire is his last pstand. phe has to get a strong showing...
Feb 24, 2016
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pjeb bush exited the race after psouth carolina. pand now the focus goes to super ptuesday when more than a dozen pstates and territories will hold rimaries and caucuses. p>>laura: 595 delegates will be pat stake, most in the single day pup to this point. ptonight you'll hear from most of pthe candidates at a special fox pnews voter summit that starts at p9:00. pthat will be hosted by megyn pkelly. pdonald trump will not be there. phe had a scheduling conflict. p>>russell: the next g.o.p. pdebate is march 3. p>>laura: hillary clinton and pbernie sanders are still hitting pthe pavement in south carolina. pdemocratic primary is saturday pand the latest poll shows pdigits. plast night the candidates made a pfinal appeal of undecided pvoters. psanders called out clinton for pher time in wall street. pboth candidates are facing ressure to release transcripts pof campaign speeches they gave pclinton has a huge lead in the pdelegate count, too. pshe has 503. p>>russell: sarasota county psheriff's deputy caught a driver pgoing the wrong way
pjeb bush exited the race after psouth carolina. pand now the focus goes to super ptuesday when more than a dozen pstates and territories will hold rimaries and caucuses. p>>laura: 595 delegates will be pat stake, most in the single day pup to this point. ptonight you'll hear from most of pthe candidates at a special fox pnews voter summit that starts at p9:00. pthat will be hosted by megyn pkelly. pdonald trump will not be there. phe had a scheduling conflict. p>>russell: the next...
Feb 23, 2016
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pand the latest fox news poll pgives clinton a 28 point lead in psouth carolina. p>>russell: coming up, a warning pfor anyone who has ever lost a pcell phone. p>>laura: a man used an app to ptrack his phone down and was pmurdered. pwe'll explain what happened. pand then an uber driver accused pof going on a seven hour pshooting rampage has a chilling pconfession. pwhat he said moments after his parrest. p>>dave: 6:10 and a very mild ptuesday morning. pmuggy, a big shift as we get pmore of a south wind in general pand that's pumped up the dew oints to 63. plook at the big storms over ptexas. pactivity will eventually heading pour way for tomorrow. pbefore today, variable clouds, a pchance of a shower this pafternoon but a much better rain pchance tomorrow mid to late pmorning. plet's talk about that coming up phere on the new caramel macchiato from dunkin' donuts. let hand-crafted layers of espresso, milk, and a caramel-flavored swirl uplift your mood. indulge in a hot or iced macchiato today. some people don't like to share their wifi, but at bright house networks
pand the latest fox news poll pgives clinton a 28 point lead in psouth carolina. p>>russell: coming up, a warning pfor anyone who has ever lost a pcell phone. p>>laura: a man used an app to ptrack his phone down and was pmurdered. pwe'll explain what happened. pand then an uber driver accused pof going on a seven hour pshooting rampage has a chilling pconfession. pwhat he said moments after his parrest. p>>dave: 6:10 and a very mild ptuesday morning. pmuggy, a big shift as we...
Feb 17, 2016
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p>>laura: trump is leading in psouth carolina heading into psaturday's g.o.p. primary. pthe state's governor says she pmay not endorse any of the pcandidates but if she does, she psaid it won't be trump. pshe called him, quote, peverything the governor does not pwant in a president. p>>russell: president also had pmore to say about what needs to phappen after the death of the psupreme court justice. p>> the constitution is pretty pclear about what is supposed to phappen. p>>laura: coming e g ing up, the resident putting more pressure pto congress to hear him out and psome lawmakers are starting to plisten. p>>dave: 6:11. pwe do have fog this morning pcity, up 75 all the way to psumter county and even down paround arcadia, punta gorda. pfog is thick in a few spots. ponce it moves out, it will be come seek the royal caribbean. hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, then quickly fell back to earth landing on the roof of a dutch colonial. luckily geico recently helped the residents with homeowners insurance. they were able to get the roof repaired like new. they later s
p>>laura: trump is leading in psouth carolina heading into psaturday's g.o.p. primary. pthe state's governor says she pmay not endorse any of the pcandidates but if she does, she psaid it won't be trump. pshe called him, quote, peverything the governor does not pwant in a president. p>>russell: president also had pmore to say about what needs to phappen after the death of the psupreme court justice. p>> the constitution is pretty pclear about what is supposed to phappen....
Feb 11, 2016
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pcarson is confident he may win psouth carolina. phis strongest states are still pcoming up. prock star santana is the latest erson to complain about the phalf-time show at the super pbowl. p p>>laura: criticism has nothing pto do with the performance pitself. phis beef is with the nfl. phe says they should have taken pthe opportunity to lose famous pin a letter to the league, he psaid, quote, fans like pmetallica, journey and yours ptruly. pwe want have done the area roud. pat least one of the bands on the plist agrees. pjourney. pit fell short of setting a super pbowl record. pit's third on the list. pkaty perry's performance last pyear is number one with nearly p120 million views. pmichael jackson's super bowl phalf-time show in 1993 ranks psecond. p>>russell: well, here we go. pall week people have been making pfun of cam newton for walking pout of the post game press pconference. phe was not happy with the super pbowl. phe didn't feel like answering pany questions so remember, he pjust got up and left. pwell, here is the spoof that psomeone put on youtube using a pclip f
pcarson is confident he may win psouth carolina. phis strongest states are still pcoming up. prock star santana is the latest erson to complain about the phalf-time show at the super pbowl. p p>>laura: criticism has nothing pto do with the performance pitself. phis beef is with the nfl. phe says they should have taken pthe opportunity to lose famous pin a letter to the league, he psaid, quote, fans like pmetallica, journey and yours ptruly. pwe want have done the area roud. pat least one...
Feb 14, 2016
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p>> anjuli: candidates clash in psouth carolina. pthe republican presidential phopefuls face-off in yet another pdebate. pwe're talking to "fox news psunday's" chris wallace all pabout it. p>> alcides: good sunday, pmorning, everyone. phappy valentine's day to you, panjuli. p>> anjuli: you, too. pfirst up, lindsay mill bourne is phere with your forecast. p>> lindsay: it's colder to pstart out the day. p46 degrees in brookdale bayshore pcompared to about 60 at this ptime on our saturday morning. pif you have beach plans with pyour valentine, for a stroll by plunchtime we're in the mid-60s pand as clear as the skies are pnow, we end the day with pay few pmore clouds. pebring and 48 in venice and 52 pin st. pete and there's crystal priver still flirting with 40 pdegrees. pbig 24-hour changes. pwe're anywhere from 2 degrees pcooler in bartow to 10 in pst. pete, 13 in venice, 16 in pcrystal river. pthe winds slightly veer east pinto the afternoon bringing in psome cold air clouds that are pcurrently banked east of the pstate, and it's a
p>> anjuli: candidates clash in psouth carolina. pthe republican presidential phopefuls face-off in yet another pdebate. pwe're talking to "fox news psunday's" chris wallace all pabout it. p>> alcides: good sunday, pmorning, everyone. phappy valentine's day to you, panjuli. p>> anjuli: you, too. pfirst up, lindsay mill bourne is phere with your forecast. p>> lindsay: it's colder to pstart out the day. p46 degrees in brookdale bayshore pcompared to about 60 at...
Feb 16, 2016
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p>> reporter: donald trump was pback on the campaign trail in psouth carolina tuesday, a day pafter throwing jabs at a number pof his gop rivals. p>> these politicians are pwow. p [ cheers and applause ] pdishonest people. p>> they don't do this for bush. p>> reporter: earlier in the pday, he snapped photos with pworkers at tommy's country ham phouse in greenville. paboard a world war ii era paircraft carrier, ted cruz poutlined his proposal to expand p>> the nation must be prepared pfor the possibility of multiple pnear simultaneous conflicts. pwho attended this cruz speech pare going from event to event ptrying to see all of the pcandidates as they're forced to pmake up their minds before psaturday. p>> i heard jeb bush last night. p>> reporter: george cline pcalled his decision a dilemma pafter hearing both jeb bush and pted cruz in the last 24 hours. p>> i could be happy with either pof them or marco rubio. p>> reporter: but you have to pmake a decision. p>> i have to make a decision and pit's coming up quickly. p>> reporter: bush was pcampaigning with his former resident george w. bush.
p>> reporter: donald trump was pback on the campaign trail in psouth carolina tuesday, a day pafter throwing jabs at a number pof his gop rivals. p>> these politicians are pwow. p [ cheers and applause ] pdishonest people. p>> they don't do this for bush. p>> reporter: earlier in the pday, he snapped photos with pworkers at tommy's country ham phouse in greenville. paboard a world war ii era paircraft carrier, ted cruz poutlined his proposal to expand p>> the...
Feb 2, 2016
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pif she loses there, the good pnews for hillary clinton is that pthe race then heads south to psouth carolina where she has a psignificant lead in the polling. pbut with the finish last night, pa virtual tie with bernie psanders, he now will have a lot pcampaign which can keep him pgoing, i would say, through psuper tuesday and probably well pbeyond. p>>russell: craig, we'll let you pgo. pit's snowing on your head. pkeep warm somewhere. ptalk later. p>>reporter: thank you. p>>laura: come home soon, craig. pno secret which candidate mayor pbuckhorn wants to win. phe's heading to new hampshire to pcampaign for hillary clinton pthis weekend. phe'll knock on doors and make hone calls, whatever it takes pto help her win. pshe currently is trailing psanders in new hampshire by 23 oints. pmayor buckhorn is paying his own pway. pflorida primary is march 15. pballots are already in the mail pfor voters who live overseas. pthat includes military members. pstate law requires those ballots pbe sent 45 days prior to the pelection. pmail-in ballots will be sent pnext week. pyou have until february 16 to pr
pif she loses there, the good pnews for hillary clinton is that pthe race then heads south to psouth carolina where she has a psignificant lead in the polling. pbut with the finish last night, pa virtual tie with bernie psanders, he now will have a lot pcampaign which can keep him pgoing, i would say, through psuper tuesday and probably well pbeyond. p>>russell: craig, we'll let you pgo. pit's snowing on your head. pkeep warm somewhere. ptalk later. p>>reporter: thank you....
Feb 11, 2016
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him presoundingly in new hampshire pdonald trump, dismissed cruise ponly serious competition in psouth carolina. p>> i really view them all look phow fast things can happeni pnouth marco would be there and pmarco had a bad debate marco prubio limping out of new pdismal debate performance there pwhich dropped florida senator pfifth in the granite state. p>> i wanted to avoid republican pnonrepublican violence i didn't pwant to be on that debate stage pscreaming back and forth with pthe arepublican with chris pchristie. pchris christie called it quits pafter new hampshire along with pcarlie fiorina. pbut ben carson refuses to do so pdespite a poor performance there pthen either of those two pcandidates. p>> we have at although of people pwho continue to make donations pand they are saying please, lease, please, please don't pdrop out. pmaking a plea of his own bernie psanders spent part of wednesday pmeeting with reverend al psharpton. plooking to pick up african pamerican support a vote block poverwhelming sports hillary pclinton. p>> clinton and sanders go head pto head in another debate ptonig
him presoundingly in new hampshire pdonald trump, dismissed cruise ponly serious competition in psouth carolina. p>> i really view them all look phow fast things can happeni pnouth marco would be there and pmarco had a bad debate marco prubio limping out of new pdismal debate performance there pwhich dropped florida senator pfifth in the granite state. p>> i wanted to avoid republican pnonrepublican violence i didn't pwant to be on that debate stage pscreaming back and forth with...
Feb 12, 2016
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on his pfirst his mother in new pformer president bush is going pto be campaigning for him in psouth carolina. p>>laura: and the next big pcontest in the race for the prepublican nomination is south pcarolina. pit is february 20. p>>russell: leading g.o.p. pcandidates will be there ptomorrow night for a debate. pdemocrats had their own debate plast night and their next pcontest is nevada. pcandidates were in wisconsin plast night. pbernie sanders and hillary pmilwaukee. pshe is staking her comeback on pher ability to woo the black and platino voters. p>> i think president obama has paddressed a lot of issues that phave been quite difficult but he phas gone forward. pnow what we have to do is to pso race relations would be pbetter under a sanders residency than they've been. p>> absolutely. pwhat we will do is say instead pof giving tax breaks to pbillionaires, we are going to pcreate millions of jobs for low pincome kids so they're not phanging out on street corners. pwe're going to make sure those pkids stay in school. p>>laura: a very emotional issue popposed by all the leading prepublican
on his pfirst his mother in new pformer president bush is going pto be campaigning for him in psouth carolina. p>>laura: and the next big pcontest in the race for the prepublican nomination is south pcarolina. pit is february 20. p>>russell: leading g.o.p. pcandidates will be there ptomorrow night for a debate. pdemocrats had their own debate plast night and their next pcontest is nevada. pcandidates were in wisconsin plast night. pbernie sanders and hillary pmilwaukee. pshe is...
Feb 1, 2016
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psouth carolina republican rimary is also the 20th pfollowed by the democrats a week plater. psuper-tuesday then is march 1. pthat's when 15 states and pterritories will head to the olls. pflorida primaries are march 15. pelection day is tuesday, pnovember 15. p>>laura: a man was found shot to pdeath in palmetto. phe's identified as 21-year-old pcolin mahoney. pat this point, detectives are pnot releasing more information pabout the crime. pthis p>>russell: the search continues pfor two teenagers who pauthorities say escaped from a pjuvenile detention center in ptampa. pfor us outside fall -- pfaulkenburg academy. p>>reporter: take a look at your pscreen right now. pcrime stoppers is offering up pfor a $3,000 reward for pinformation on this pair. pthis is anthony bay and anthony pcook. ptwo escaped through a hole cut pin a state link fence off pcolumbus drive. pwe learned a private company pactually runs the faulkenburg pacademy for the department of pjuvenile justice and an pinvestigation is underway to pfind out how this happens. pcook disappeared during an poutside time. p
psouth carolina republican rimary is also the 20th pfollowed by the democrats a week plater. psuper-tuesday then is march 1. pthat's when 15 states and pterritories will head to the olls. pflorida primaries are march 15. pelection day is tuesday, pnovember 15. p>>laura: a man was found shot to pdeath in palmetto. phe's identified as 21-year-old pcolin mahoney. pat this point, detectives are pnot releasing more information pabout the crime. pthis p>>russell: the search continues pfor...
Feb 12, 2016
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pso he's campaigning across all pof those so-called sec primary pstates before he heads back to psouth carolina. phe's running a national pcampaign. pyeah. pokay. phey we got to run. pgood to talk to you as always. pwe'll see you sunday morning pokay. pright. pagain, saturday night could we pstart debate a 7 o'clock? pit would so much easy e. for peverybody. pi'll call them. pi'll get it done for you. pokay. ptake care. pi don't even know what channel. psee you later, bye. p>>> all right. pcharley belcher what are you pdoing? pchris is in good mood could you phear him? p>> good for you. pwhat do you want me to say. phe's in tampa, what do you want pbefore me i'm on sunday pmornings. pthat's great. pi love it. pchris wallace. phe can say whatever he wants to. p>> i'm in lakeland the lakeland prodeo classic help happening ptonight and/or tomorrow. phorses beautiful women cowboys pmiss rodeo florida. ba da ba ba ba p>>> yeah going to nice day. pnice day. pwe're looking outside. pwe're inside arena we can see poutside from here. pwe see should be a pretty nice pday out there. pand lakeland center i
pso he's campaigning across all pof those so-called sec primary pstates before he heads back to psouth carolina. phe's running a national pcampaign. pyeah. pokay. phey we got to run. pgood to talk to you as always. pwe'll see you sunday morning pokay. pright. pagain, saturday night could we pstart debate a 7 o'clock? pit would so much easy e. for peverybody. pi'll call them. pi'll get it done for you. pokay. ptake care. pi don't even know what channel. psee you later, bye. p>>> all...
Feb 26, 2016
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pgoing to win overwhelmingly in psouth carolina. pand that really puts a phoning pus on the problem. pan amazing statistic. pafter new hampshire, the next 48 pstates that if you go back and plook at past voting, african pamericans represent 45 percent pof all the democrats who vote in pthose primaries. pat this point, clinton has a big plead, sometimes four 40 or 50 oint lead over sanders off pafrican americans. pcarolina will be african pamerican unless sanders can tap pinto that. punless he can, narrow the lead pamong african americans, he preally doesn't stand a chance. pand he is no the going to do it pin south carolina. pquestion is can he begin to do pit on super tuesday. p>> could super tuesday be the pend of it for a lot of them? p>> the only one i see getting pout conceivably if he were to plose would be cruz. pcertainly won't be for sanders. psuper tuesday, he's got a lot of pmoney. pand you know, people don't run pstop running because they run pout ambition. pthey stop running because they prun out of money. pand he, he i
pgoing to win overwhelmingly in psouth carolina. pand that really puts a phoning pus on the problem. pan amazing statistic. pafter new hampshire, the next 48 pstates that if you go back and plook at past voting, african pamericans represent 45 percent pof all the democrats who vote in pthose primaries. pat this point, clinton has a big plead, sometimes four 40 or 50 oint lead over sanders off pafrican americans. pcarolina will be african pamerican unless sanders can tap pinto that. punless he...
Feb 10, 2016
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prepublican front runners in psouth carolina on saturday. pwe've got you covered here at pfox 13 with all of your election pneeds. pon his way with to south pcarolina, donald trump is making pa stop here in tampa. pas we've telling you holding a prally usf sun dome on friday. pflorida airline company wants to pmake sure everyone from across pairlines is offering 6 percent poff one way flights to tampa the ptickets have to a purchase ptonight and only travel dates pare february 11th and pfebruary 13th. pthree bhil i don't know dollar pdeal between state ask seminole ptribe is one step closer to pbecoming reality. pyesterday a divides house panel pvoted in favor of new exact. pdeal would allow seminoles it a pcraps and roulette to casino poperations in exchange the state pis guaranteed at least p$3 billion from the casinos over pthe next 7 years. phouse panel also approved a bill pthat would do away with pgreyhound racing while allowing pdog tracks to keep operating pother games. p>> and how about this for wake pup call, a car slams into your
prepublican front runners in psouth carolina on saturday. pwe've got you covered here at pfox 13 with all of your election pneeds. pon his way with to south pcarolina, donald trump is making pa stop here in tampa. pas we've telling you holding a prally usf sun dome on friday. pflorida airline company wants to pmake sure everyone from across pairlines is offering 6 percent poff one way flights to tampa the ptickets have to a purchase ptonight and only travel dates pare february 11th and...
Feb 14, 2016
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p>> that's not it, but we will panswer some questions about psouth carolina and show you how olitics" sunday night at 11:30. i do everything on the internet. but, it's kind of slow. my friends say i should get fios because it's the fastest. i just downloaded 600 photos in 60 seconds. that's seriously better. (husband) we're out of 2%! i wonder what else could be better around here? (husband) i heard that. switching to better internet is now easier than ever. only fios has the fastest internet available, with uploads up to 5x faster than cable. get 100 meg upload and download speeds. plus tv and phone for just $69.99 a month online with no annual contract. switch to better. switch to fios. hey, guys, it's annie. you know, as moms, we are always looking for new ways to save money. pwell today, i'm going to share with you pa simple tip that could help you stretch your budget when it comes to your grocery shopping. not bad. aren't always the best deal, pbut walmart every day low prices, pwell, that could save you some money. tampa, the total amount saved at walmart vs winn dixie was $24.4
p>> that's not it, but we will panswer some questions about psouth carolina and show you how olitics" sunday night at 11:30. i do everything on the internet. but, it's kind of slow. my friends say i should get fios because it's the fastest. i just downloaded 600 photos in 60 seconds. that's seriously better. (husband) we're out of 2%! i wonder what else could be better around here? (husband) i heard that. switching to better internet is now easier than ever. only fios has the fastest...
Feb 2, 2016
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pafter that there's nevada and psouth carolina, washington and pnext big date march 1, super ptuesday when 15 states and pterritories head to the polls. pthen march 15. pthat's the florida primary. p>>laura: and ballots are already pin the mail for florida voters pwho live overseas. pthat includes a lot of pservicemen and women. pstate law requires election psupervisors to send out the poverseas ballots 45 days before pan election. pnext week mail-in ballots will pbe sent to other voters who prequested it. p>> we always get an uptick in pregistrations around residential elections. pnumber of registrations. pas you know, there's a lot of pawareness out there right now. pthere's a lot of excitement out pthere, a lot of awareness that eople are seeing that there is pan election coming. p>>laura: if you want to vote in pthe florida primary, you have ptwo weeks to register. pthe deadline is february 16 just ptwo days after valentine's day. pyou can register at county pelections offices, public plibraries, military recruitment poffices or driver's license poffices. pflorida's primary is clo
pafter that there's nevada and psouth carolina, washington and pnext big date march 1, super ptuesday when 15 states and pterritories head to the polls. pthen march 15. pthat's the florida primary. p>>laura: and ballots are already pin the mail for florida voters pwho live overseas. pthat includes a lot of pservicemen and women. pstate law requires election psupervisors to send out the poverseas ballots 45 days before pan election. pnext week mail-in ballots will pbe sent to other voters...
Feb 18, 2016
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pin a fox news poll released just pthis more than trump head into psouth carolina primary with pcommanding lead 32-19 percent. pi will only tell you there, we pare doing well, we have a really pgood chance to win. pif we can win in south carolina pwe're going to go, i mean we pcould very well run the table. pfor his part cruz has towneding ptrump to act on lawsuit he pthreatened over an attack ad. pbut cruz is coming under attack phimself. pmarco rubio is continuing to phammer away at the idea that pcruz is morally corrupt and precites a litany of example he psays is cruise's dishonesty. pcruz right now, they are talking pabout the petty squabbling pbetween cruz and a trump, pmeanwhile hillary clinton and pbernie sanders are running neck pand neck in most national polls pthey too have a big day saturday pwhen nevada holds its democratic pcaucuses. pin washington, i'm. pwatch craig patrick money power pand politicsthis weekend. pmany, power and politics air psaturday eenl 5:30 p.m. and psunday night at lern:30 p.m. p>> tampa city council leaders pwill discuss more lenient unishment for peop
pin a fox news poll released just pthis more than trump head into psouth carolina primary with pcommanding lead 32-19 percent. pi will only tell you there, we pare doing well, we have a really pgood chance to win. pif we can win in south carolina pwe're going to go, i mean we pcould very well run the table. pfor his part cruz has towneding ptrump to act on lawsuit he pthreatened over an attack ad. pbut cruz is coming under attack phimself. pmarco rubio is continuing to phammer away at the idea...
Feb 12, 2016
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phe also is focused on south pcarolina and we have some brand pnew poll numbers coming up from psouth carolina. pwe haven't seen numbers for a pwhile in that state yet we will psee some coming up at 5 and 6. pyeah. pso on other side craig there's paction there too. pwhat were your take aways from plast night democratic debate? pbruiser. pthis ones long way from pfinished. poop i think that hillary clinton pat points in the debate was peffective in trying to portray pbernie sanders as a one trick ony. pwhether the issue is race prelations are infrastructure, he palways relates it back to wall pstreet. pand she was not just defensive, pbut on offense at points during pthe debate. pand it got feisty at times. pbut to sanders's credit he also pcame across a very authentic he pknew how to defend against pattacks from hillary clinton. pin way that was very su sinths pand he is making the case that pmany of the issues the defining pissues in that democratic race pdo in fact relate to a corrupt pcampaign finance system and palso, to abuses on wall street. pthat's his mantra. pwith all this going on wh
phe also is focused on south pcarolina and we have some brand pnew poll numbers coming up from psouth carolina. pwe haven't seen numbers for a pwhile in that state yet we will psee some coming up at 5 and 6. pyeah. pso on other side craig there's paction there too. pwhat were your take aways from plast night democratic debate? pbruiser. pthis ones long way from pfinished. poop i think that hillary clinton pat points in the debate was peffective in trying to portray pbernie sanders as a one...