thanks to comrade ptakhin for our good boxes, let’s ask comrade ptakhin, we’ll ask, please, please, pleasegh , comrades, well, enough of the jokes, comrades, it’s more fun, comrades, it’s more fun, but let me in, let me in, let me in, what are you worth, unload, comrades, don’t let me follow, what right, there is no such law? well, everyone is silent, play, musicians, and you dance, who is ready to dance, and i’ll go, i need to think, master, should i pay? now, now, take all the money from my wife, come visit me again on your payday, i’ll give you my entire salary, in full, i’ll reward your modest, hard work, vanya, where are you going, vanya, you need to bring in the furniture, don’t cry, wife, don’t you need to calm down, a tired traveler will pass by, he will rest in our soft chair, play something on our piano, and remember ptakin with a kind word, or glorify him, no, it’s better to remember, doctor, goodbye... that’s it, goodbye, doctor, another attack, altruist, did something again, lord, what did he say, altruism, is it like a disabled person or something? altruism is a selfless conc