Jun 25, 2018
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pus son documento de su cuenta de twitter que afirma que lo que dice la administraciÓn no es cierto.na cosa. que el tema migratorio serÁ muy importante las mÁximas elecciones de noviembre. fÉlix: la pesadilla terminÓ para tres menores de edadque hace 15 dÍas se quedaron solos sin padres en carolina del norte. su madre habÍa sido deportada y el padre fue arrestado por el servicio de migraciÓn . esta semana los tres volvieron a reunirse con su padre. belÉn nos trae mÁs detalles de la historia. belÉn: la felicidad que sienten se les nota en la cara. >> mi papÁ ya está aquÍ y juntos con mis hermanos. >> hablando con ellos aseguran que no se han separado de su padre ni un momento desde que volvieron a estar juntos esta semana. cruz se encuentra ya en su casa con sus tres hijos tras pagar una fianza de $15,000 que le habÍa puesto el servicio de migraciÓn. estuvo preso casi 15 dÍas en el centro de detenciÓn las ser arrestado por ice en las oficinas del departamento de seguridad pÚblica el pasado 6 de junio. >> cumpliendo los 12 meses y reportÁndome los 12 meses. el Último dÍa que iba a firm
pus son documento de su cuenta de twitter que afirma que lo que dice la administraciÓn no es cierto.na cosa. que el tema migratorio serÁ muy importante las mÁximas elecciones de noviembre. fÉlix: la pesadilla terminÓ para tres menores de edadque hace 15 dÍas se quedaron solos sin padres en carolina del norte. su madre habÍa sido deportada y el padre fue arrestado por el servicio de migraciÓn . esta semana los tres volvieron a reunirse con su padre. belÉn nos trae mÁs detalles de la...
Jun 23, 2018
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futurecast on now, 8:30 p.m., pu can see the storm is continuing toh out through southern maryland.could see the rain flare up more in northern loudoun county as well as portions of southern frederick. the good news is, as the sun sets, that's when things become tranquil and calm down. a lot of active weather is dying down. keep that in mind when you're making summertime plans, the most active weather is in the afternoon. moving to tomorrow morning, dry, showers though,possible, farther south and east of the district. if you're dining out tonight in thedistrict, rain showers likely through 7:00 and 8:00. farther south of the district, veat's where we have the storm chance. warm out there as well. now, tomorrow, we'll be even hotter. temperatury for your sun are going to be around 90 degrees in the afternoon. wel wve a nice bit of sunshine. but the chance for the isolated shower is sti there. for your sunday plans, be prepared forha brief raine if you're c headed to tital barbecue battle. nationals game is on the warm side, but we will be dry for any pool and beach activities tomorro
futurecast on now, 8:30 p.m., pu can see the storm is continuing toh out through southern maryland.could see the rain flare up more in northern loudoun county as well as portions of southern frederick. the good news is, as the sun sets, that's when things become tranquil and calm down. a lot of active weather is dying down. keep that in mind when you're making summertime plans, the most active weather is in the afternoon. moving to tomorrow morning, dry, showers though,possible, farther south...
Jun 18, 2018
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pu ri experience excellence with all your sses. frhe l mr atiers. pu >>> the u.s. open champion defend a as hifbtii tlse, agent says he's willing to talk. those are some of the stories on the morning newsstand. peter strzok wrote text messages pampaignis dng6 presidential trump.ra col rt mueer's al investigation last year. al strzok wants a chance to clear his name. >>> the "mercury news" shows an emergency room doctor speaking harshly to a patient in california has led to the doctor's removal. >> i just tried to inhale. i even told her i could not inhay. >> you can't even inhale. wow, you must be dead. >>hatas dr. betheegstrt a hospital in los gatos. she was apparently mocking a 20-year-old patient who was complained of anxiety. his father recorded the exchange on video. the doctor has been removed endp > the wo rld healngth du riorganization is expected to a games disorder as a new classification. video game organizations have criticized the pending classification calling it deeply flawed and touting the educational value of games. >>> "usa today" reports brooks
pu ri experience excellence with all your sses. frhe l mr atiers. pu >>> the u.s. open champion defend a as hifbtii tlse, agent says he's willing to talk. those are some of the stories on the morning newsstand. peter strzok wrote text messages pampaignis dng6 presidential trump.ra col rt mueer's al investigation last year. al strzok wants a chance to clear his name. >>> the "mercury news" shows an emergency room doctor speaking harshly to a patient in california has...
Jun 14, 2018
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internacionain internet a miles de millas de i distancia >> las compaÑias pueden liucrar con esa informacion puedvictima de un ataque cibernetico si dsescarga una aplicacion mal los televisores inteligentes piden permiso para recopilar lo que vemos pero pocos consumidore consumidores se dan cuenta >> pueden mantenerte como con m consuconsu nsr puede cambiar la configuraci configuracion para no compatir informacion >> aceptar que estas recopiallao datos >> tambien es importante cambiar las contraseÑas en su wifi de e vez en cuando suna den denuncia llame al numero en pantalla de noticiero telemundo 48 responde >> la compaÑia n(nombre en ingles( seunieron unieron parda tarjeta donde l usuario tiene puntos por cualquier puntoren internet y serian promovicos paa el programa de recompensa >> una compaÑia sca dice e diron mas de 98 odldomillones de dolares por fraudestelefon telefonicos en el 2015 se per perdieron 2400 millones comon o estos robos los expertos dicen k que guarde su nuero de fotelefoo >> pueden haber problemas para consumidores laersonas en eu estados unidos gastan el 7 % de sus ingreso
internacionain internet a miles de millas de i distancia >> las compaÑias pueden liucrar con esa informacion puedvictima de un ataque cibernetico si dsescarga una aplicacion mal los televisores inteligentes piden permiso para recopilar lo que vemos pero pocos consumidore consumidores se dan cuenta >> pueden mantenerte como con m consuconsu nsr puede cambiar la configuraci configuracion para no compatir informacion >> aceptar que estas recopiallao datos >> tambien es...
Jun 14, 2018
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. >> trato de asaltarla sexualmente y ya vÍctima pu pelear. siguiÓ. >> es un Área tranquila, he estado aquÍ nueve aÑos. maria: luego de defenderse, llamo a las autoridadesy pudieron arrestar a sospechoso. >> llamo y cuando los oficiales llegaron arrestaron al sospechoso ahora estÁ en la cÁrcel por diferentes cargos. maria: la podrÁ concebir 50 -- zona 11500 es una zona semi rural. la alguacil del condadde santa clara hace. reiterÓ la importancia de que las vÍctimas. el sospecho que fue arrestado enfrenta varios cargos criminales, secuestro y ataque con el fin de cometer un delito. palmira: el servicio de inmigraciÓn y ciudadanÍa tendrÁ una oficina a tratar de revocar ciudadanÍas o residencias permanentes de personas que cometieron fraude en sus solicitudes. comenzaran a contratarprosiales que se dedicarÁn a identificar casos en que los ciudadanos mintieron o se robaron la identidad de otras personas. jaime: bÁsicamente autoridades estÁn redoblando e invirtiendo s mÁpersonal y dinero en su esfuerzo por revocarle la ciudadanÍa a personas que hay
. >> trato de asaltarla sexualmente y ya vÍctima pu pelear. siguiÓ. >> es un Área tranquila, he estado aquÍ nueve aÑos. maria: luego de defenderse, llamo a las autoridadesy pudieron arrestar a sospechoso. >> llamo y cuando los oficiales llegaron arrestaron al sospechoso ahora estÁ en la cÁrcel por diferentes cargos. maria: la podrÁ concebir 50 -- zona 11500 es una zona semi rural. la alguacil del condadde santa clara hace. reiterÓ la importancia de que las vÍctimas....
Jun 28, 2018
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. >> y bueno la hora pico de trafico en lgos angeles se pus p provoco esto , se manifesto c contra lan se lanzo con esta ;pirueta y se fue a la carcveel >> carcel:y ey el culopabnpabl d de un vendedor en oakland podria salir el libertad ;porque sus e tt pruebas que lo ionculÑpao incu n no creible . >> y vemos a este mehombre que el 1220q16 e ;por posesion de drogas , vemos que el abogado de la ciudad p pacto un acuerdo con acusaod . >> y residenmtytes en san jos e dicen estar preocupados por ca r carreras de autos , no solo d deben lidiar con el exceso de e velocidad , sino que tuvieron u que confrontar a los efvecino temen que esto tenga un desen desenlace mortal . >> anunciaron ounun sistema de u seguridad an autopistas, las pruebas se hacen en el condado c comenzando maÑana jueves v viernes en la noche . >> ( musica ( . >> y un m,enhombre esa vivo po a accion de unamuj mujer enn un a restaurante ya lecontamos mas . >> y asi estan las temperaturas en la ciudad de oakland hablamos de riesgo de incendio en los p pr proximos dias la informacion e despues de la pausa . >> musica feliz
. >> y bueno la hora pico de trafico en lgos angeles se pus p provoco esto , se manifesto c contra lan se lanzo con esta ;pirueta y se fue a la carcveel >> carcel:y ey el culopabnpabl d de un vendedor en oakland podria salir el libertad ;porque sus e tt pruebas que lo ionculÑpao incu n no creible . >> y vemos a este mehombre que el 1220q16 e ;por posesion de drogas , vemos que el abogado de la ciudad p pacto un acuerdo con acusaod . >> y residenmtytes en san jos e dicen...
Jun 28, 2018
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por ayudarme le puede recuperar mi dinero >> el dueÑo de tele ventas nos informÓ que desconoce como puedta gritada. si tiene un caso para telemundo responde nos puede llamar al nÚmero en pan l pantalla >> el nÚmero de compradores de vivienda esta bajando rÁpida rÁpidamente debido al alto precio y el coste de vida de mercado. asÍ lo indica un estudio el cual agrega que en comparaciÓn de aÑo pasado, ha registrado un 12% menos. aunque la demanda sigue siendo alta prevÉn que el problema se mantendrÁ >> llegue la hora de la verdad para colombia que maÑana enfrenta a senegal. mÁs resu resultados a continuaciÓn >>merca mercado,, el lugar perfecto para comprar recuerdos a buenos precios. las detalles al regresar >> un hombre paraliza una concurrida autopista de california al treparse >> incrementa el riesgo de incendio durante los prÓximos dÍas. hablaremos de las opciones de clima despuÉs de la pausa ♪ (musica) un sospechoso escapa cuando la policÍa de nebraska trata de arrestarlo. quedÓ captado en cÁmara. la cÁmara muestra cÓmo el sujeto retrocede espalda otro tipo parece para llevar al sujeto
por ayudarme le puede recuperar mi dinero >> el dueÑo de tele ventas nos informÓ que desconoce como puedta gritada. si tiene un caso para telemundo responde nos puede llamar al nÚmero en pan l pantalla >> el nÚmero de compradores de vivienda esta bajando rÁpida rÁpidamente debido al alto precio y el coste de vida de mercado. asÍ lo indica un estudio el cual agrega que en comparaciÓn de aÑo pasado, ha registrado un 12% menos. aunque la demanda sigue siendo alta prevÉn que...
Jun 30, 2018
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. ♪ >> mÉxico no sÓlo llevo buen fÚtbol a rusia, tambiÉn llevÓ su cultura y pus a bailar a rienda sueltada a mÉxico. los mariachis pusieron a mover y bailar a todo el mundo. esperemos que sea un buen ... locutor: televisa presenta... lorena: ¡leonardo! no, leonardo. leonardo: pulguita, saluda a la cámara. lorena: hola. leonardo: la pulguita se está disfrazando de-- ambos: mamá. leonardo: y yo voy a ser su hijo, leo chiquito. una broma más de-- ambos: los gonzález. lorena: leo, no te me sueltes así. leonardo: ¿puedo jugar con tu hija? lorena: yo traje a mi hijo para que jugara con las demás personas. leonardo: ¿me lo prestas? ¿tu helicóptero? lorena: pero no le hagas nada malo, ¿eh? leonardo: ah, me hago chiquito, no importa. qué padre está. lorena: es que e
. ♪ >> mÉxico no sÓlo llevo buen fÚtbol a rusia, tambiÉn llevÓ su cultura y pus a bailar a rienda sueltada a mÉxico. los mariachis pusieron a mover y bailar a todo el mundo. esperemos que sea un buen ... locutor: televisa presenta... lorena: ¡leonardo! no, leonardo. leonardo: pulguita, saluda a la cámara. lorena: hola. leonardo: la pulguita se está disfrazando de-- ambos: mamá. leonardo: y yo voy a ser su hijo, leo chiquito. una broma más de-- ambos: los gonzález. lorena:...
Jun 30, 2018
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. ♪ >> mÉxico no sÓlo llevo buen fÚtbol a rusia, tambiÉn llevÓ su cultura y pus a bailar a rienda sueltaatrina le dio la bienvenida a mÉxico. los mariachis pusieron a mover y bailar a todo el mundo. esperemos que sea un buen augurio del partido del lunes. >> mucha suerte a mÉxico. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
. ♪ >> mÉxico no sÓlo llevo buen fÚtbol a rusia, tambiÉn llevÓ su cultura y pus a bailar a rienda sueltaatrina le dio la bienvenida a mÉxico. los mariachis pusieron a mover y bailar a todo el mundo. esperemos que sea un buen augurio del partido del lunes. >> mucha suerte a mÉxico. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
Jun 14, 2018
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puedan ver un p partido del mundial 2056 a todo color es emocionante para l los lideres locales que se pupueden beneficiar >> ( musica ( >> las cmisas que tienen aqui son de mexico para este juego >> este restaurante de san jose todo listo para el primer partido de la seleccion de m mexico en el mundial 2018 a cele celebrarse este domingo >> cada 4 aÑos tenemos muchos que vienen de todos los lugares >> an eingles( >>el anuncio de hoy puede ser de las 23 sedes del mundial 2026 en estados unidos recibido por el n beneficio economico que traeria a lregion >> nuestras oportunidades son u buenas dijo la direc ejecutiva de la baihia represena la primera vez que han sido se e seleccionadas como sedes de la copa del mundo >> mexico es la favoritoesta la verde pero buscan la blanca >> est misetas de la sn vola volando el 2026 traerraeria otrp oportunidad para la ciudad >> tenemos latinos en estados unidos emocionados con el futbol >> y ahora falta esperar que la fifa este en las ciudades mund a mundialistas se vive la emocion de mundial 2018 regresamos con tuusedo >> sabemos que faltan ocho aÑos >
puedan ver un p partido del mundial 2056 a todo color es emocionante para l los lideres locales que se pupueden beneficiar >> ( musica ( >> las cmisas que tienen aqui son de mexico para este juego >> este restaurante de san jose todo listo para el primer partido de la seleccion de m mexico en el mundial 2018 a cele celebrarse este domingo >> cada 4 aÑos tenemos muchos que vienen de todos los lugares >> an eingles( >>el anuncio de hoy puede ser de las 23...
Jun 12, 2018
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guatemala esta a puntos de salir klibrelio la nueva directriz ni el ni los que huyan de las pandilalas pupueden pedir asilo >> se puede pedir asilo hoy las stas condenando a muerte >> el secretari do de justicia i dice que se busca aliviar los e retrasos el triple de casos hay de los del 23009 >> muchos lo ven como un paso m mas contra los inmigrantes >> es algfo creible pero no par calificar >> en new york ntyoticiero telemundo >> la practica de separar a las familias que cruzan las fro fronteras sin documentos tiene u un impacgtoto en padres ind indocumentados los meres pspnor edad pueden quedar afectados para siempre >> las lagrimas de padres de mil niÑos reclaman su presencia en l el xcascaso de maria la patrull fronteriza le quito su padre >> un pooficial dice que no sa d donde esta >> eso pudo llevar a marco an n antonio ahorcarse mientra stesta en custordia de dia de inmigrac >> piensa que fallo que no supo proteger a su familia >> dice este psicologo y dice que el daÑo en padres y hijos es irreversible >> sentirse solo sin nada peuue causar depresion >> expertos dicen que es una f
guatemala esta a puntos de salir klibrelio la nueva directriz ni el ni los que huyan de las pandilalas pupueden pedir asilo >> se puede pedir asilo hoy las stas condenando a muerte >> el secretari do de justicia i dice que se busca aliviar los e retrasos el triple de casos hay de los del 23009 >> muchos lo ven como un paso m mas contra los inmigrantes >> es algfo creible pero no par calificar >> en new york ntyoticiero telemundo >> la practica de separar a...
Jun 29, 2018
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dungri j ourul4ty leh sas event, pu rcsehaem a tlupur-xe or tempur-breeze mtratess enand jo$5y ff00 o get fe restadjuab leba sepg u.rade ex peenrihece t mt oslyhigh remmcod endebeind amicerdaa toy. find your exusclreive taeril atem tedpurpicom.c efzblirmt you are lookingiv le s. anpona t leftiv fepl peoet athe catal gteazetea d ydesterday n.afteoo e l'reeainrnorg mebo a tuthe spsu iectn isthe cas a hndgopin lto mearnor aebout the victims as we.ll th lesatert hen i jtus a few terenus. >> we'lso kpieenng aye e on meso oerth storieshi ts inmorng. remo donemtistraon asrela p ed thh rougth wendeeke heern i washington against president trump's zero tolerance immigration policies. styeyerda u..sit capalol pice arrested more than 500 presotrstend aha cedrghe tm with unwflalyul mothnstrating. is is footage from the crowd at the senate hart office building. belong families together andic the distrt will be held ine. lafayette squar organizers are planning more 50 st00 entves in all and internationally. our live team coverage from annapolis inconts. five people were killed, and others wound whd
dungri j ourul4ty leh sas event, pu rcsehaem a tlupur-xe or tempur-breeze mtratess enand jo$5y ff00 o get fe restadjuab leba sepg u.rade ex peenrihece t mt oslyhigh remmcod endebeind amicerdaa toy. find your exusclreive taeril atem tedpurpicom.c efzblirmt you are lookingiv le s. anpona t leftiv fepl peoet athe catal gteazetea d ydesterday n.afteoo e l'reeainrnorg mebo a tuthe spsu iectn isthe cas a hndgopin lto mearnor aebout the victims as we.ll th lesatert hen i jtus a few terenus. >>...
Jun 11, 2018
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thideaea w to gegethe waterntnto the pipipe to gege that werer to ese e pus andd push itutut. th wasas t method williams: trh h of t matatte is, the is no y to sol o our water issues thth jusourr pumps and tbibines.t's t enough. will ner be enoug waggoner: you know, deceses of doing the wrg g thinusually ll you.e got oudeath warning 2005. willia: if the was a liticawill to ke sure that isis citsees anher 30 yersrs, itould meahaviving ery beatiful, ry aesthic ueways ong withreenways thughout t city, uliving ith wate so thathen that xt stormomes, beususe i's going come--tt's fact-- th water h a placeo go her thanour carsnd your omes andhe stree [film aance clis] reed:t some pnt after rricaneatrina, ople stted to get reallseserio about aastalssueues,nd they started tththink out risk reduction, ptetectinpeople froflfloodi, togegeer witit resrarations onone ing thth needs b be adessesed,nd soo wcame up with this coasta masteplan whi is a list of projetsts th hahavbeenn scienticicallyetteted,nd soo we veve procts thatredgdge maririal fm onone ace ananput it in anotheplplace actctuay
thideaea w to gegethe waterntnto the pipipe to gege that werer to ese e pus andd push itutut. th wasas t method williams: trh h of t matatte is, the is no y to sol o our water issues thth jusourr pumps and tbibines.t's t enough. will ner be enoug waggoner: you know, deceses of doing the wrg g thinusually ll you.e got oudeath warning 2005. willia: if the was a liticawill to ke sure that isis citsees anher 30 yersrs, itould meahaviving ery beatiful, ry aesthic ueways ong withreenways thughout t...
Jun 11, 2018
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canadians are polite and reasonable, but we lals not be pu -- but we also will not be pushed around. >> it a step you don't behave . it's a betrayal. he is double trocrossing. he gets in the airplane and leaves and trudeau starts blasting away. >> a raging wildfire has doubled in size. it has scorched 1700 acres in the san juan national forecast. they're not expecting rain until wednesday or thursday and they expect it to keep growing in the hot, dry, windy conditions. it's 40th day remains a severe g threat to inland residents. emissions caused by the active volcano continues to increase showing no signs of slowing down. here is stevepatterson with more. after a month of eruptions, lava now covers eight miles of the big island. it is incinerating more than 600 homes. this week hawaii's governor released $1200 in state aid. >> we will continue to make sure they have the resources they 200 volunteers put the finishing touches on 20 homes. >> a day of relief for those that lost everything as kilauea rages on. >>> on this monday let's get a check of our forecast. >>> good morning a lot
canadians are polite and reasonable, but we lals not be pu -- but we also will not be pushed around. >> it a step you don't behave . it's a betrayal. he is double trocrossing. he gets in the airplane and leaves and trudeau starts blasting away. >> a raging wildfire has doubled in size. it has scorched 1700 acres in the san juan national forecast. they're not expecting rain until wednesday or thursday and they expect it to keep growing in the hot, dry, windy conditions. it's 40th day...
Jun 5, 2018
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cinco de la tarde en la entrada del primer piso de bronx >> a mí el celular no me importa porque lo pueds> que lo atrapen si se lo hizo a mise lo puede hacer a más personas >> un cartero del este de la bahía recibió un reconocimiento el 15 de mayo vio a dos hombres salir con paquetes de una vivienda los ladrones fueron capturados gracias a la reacción del cartero >> padres dicen dar con fórmula para curar al calvicie >> una noche fresca diferencias de temperaturas 57 para el momento el pronóstico extendido al regresar de la pausa >> cómo reaccionaría a presencia de un pistolero activo mañana en contamos cómo eso lo puede proteger >> desde las 12 del mediodía >> los esperamos estrella jalisco, la única cerveza premium mexicana que tiene el orgullo de ser la cerveza oficial de la selección mexicana un beste es nuestro momentolas de la selección mexicana. pa arriba! pa abajo! al centro! pa dentro! vamos por la estrella. estrella jalisco, la única cerveza premium mexicana que tiene el orgullo de ser la eza oficial de la selección mexicana >> [♪ ][♪ ][♪ ] >> un fin de semana caliente están baj
cinco de la tarde en la entrada del primer piso de bronx >> a mí el celular no me importa porque lo pueds> que lo atrapen si se lo hizo a mise lo puede hacer a más personas >> un cartero del este de la bahía recibió un reconocimiento el 15 de mayo vio a dos hombres salir con paquetes de una vivienda los ladrones fueron capturados gracias a la reacción del cartero >> padres dicen dar con fórmula para curar al calvicie >> una noche fresca diferencias de...
SFGTV: San Francisco Government Television
Jun 6, 2018
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and 14, appropriation ordinances, with tument 13 a l of $340 million of cap and trade revenue for the pu puc hetch hetchy at ap41 ll and 2019/'20, $200 million. and placing $102 million on reserve. and item 14, state loan and grant funds, water capacity fees for the puc water enterprise capital improvement program at approximately $276 million. 2019/20, $207 million. water appropriations of $16 million in 2018 and '19 and placing $376 million in revenue bonds and grant fundsds p on controller's reserve. >> supervisor breed: can we take them same house, same call? withouje ave nap unanimously. item 15. >> clerk: to extend a grant up to $813,000 of in-kind gifts and services from friend of san francisco public library for public programs and services in 2018/19. >> supervisor breed: same house, same call? without objection, adopted unanimou >> clerk: general fund of duplicate payments received by the city for transit violations >> supervisor breed: same house, same call. without objection, adopted unanimo unanimously. >> clerk: a letter of credit offered in an amount not to exceed $100 mil
and 14, appropriation ordinances, with tument 13 a l of $340 million of cap and trade revenue for the pu puc hetch hetchy at ap41 ll and 2019/'20, $200 million. and placing $102 million on reserve. and item 14, state loan and grant funds, water capacity fees for the puc water enterprise capital improvement program at approximately $276 million. 2019/20, $207 million. water appropriations of $16 million in 2018 and '19 and placing $376 million in revenue bonds and grant fundsds p on controller's...
Jun 6, 2018
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invtors have learned to take advantage of the despation and dtraction in e aftermath of the events to pu through radical polies, privatization, deregulation, and austerity laws that remake ciety ininhe interest of a tinylitete i saw it happen n in iraq aftetr thu.s. invasion when t the canvasa libertarian faasies.lblk ain inin new orleaeans after hurricane katrina when n the stm became t excuse to rapidly sh down blic schools and public hndce with more profitable turn it even before hurricane maria made landfall in september 2017, many puerto ricans woworried about another episode of this l lon story. about how the storm could be usk thor austerity-starved public services ando staff of damaged beachfront propertonhe cheek. -- on the cap. >> as you can imagine,e were all tan -- the magnitude of this stor initially, the first couple of this we felt perhaps business could be wiped out. if i could speako the luxury side. surpring eugh, they di not see interest in the marketplace. welcome. we have doubleigh ceilin in the living room. >> the magic of this house is the gaen. the level osophisti
invtors have learned to take advantage of the despation and dtraction in e aftermath of the events to pu through radical polies, privatization, deregulation, and austerity laws that remake ciety ininhe interest of a tinylitete i saw it happen n in iraq aftetr thu.s. invasion when t the canvasa libertarian faasies.lblk ain inin new orleaeans after hurricane katrina when n the stm became t excuse to rapidly sh down blic schools and public hndce with more profitable turn it even before hurricane...
Jun 15, 2018
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. >>> pu that means good day dc hits the road. [ cheers and applause ] >> we're here in lexington par parks, maryland with our good friends. zip trip edition of goo day at 9a starts now! ♪ >>> ♪ >> heyhere. >> good mning. we're coming to youom live fr st. mary's county, maryland. lexingto park o a beautiful morning. beautiful group of people.rf >> wul people. and you know what's really great allison texted me and said shy to brandy for me. brandy is one of our loyal fox5 twitter errs and she kind of intercts with us. i also met pete who als interacts with quite a bit. y's been m friend on twitter he always tweets me whenevers th a snowstorm or rainstorm. collect out this place in st. mary's countyif. hise works at the hospital here 40 years and he's standing right there with the washington nationals hat on. hi, pete. pete is right now going -- under ing chemotherapy he played his way outut here to say hello. >> the colors if're seeing the colors behind us, they're leing presented by leonard h junior navy academy. [ applause ] >> their motto is the future begins h we thank them for com
. >>> pu that means good day dc hits the road. [ cheers and applause ] >> we're here in lexington par parks, maryland with our good friends. zip trip edition of goo day at 9a starts now! ♪ >>> ♪ >> heyhere. >> good mning. we're coming to youom live fr st. mary's county, maryland. lexingto park o a beautiful morning. beautiful group of people.rf >> wul people. and you know what's really great allison texted me and said shy to brandy for me. brandy is...
Jun 21, 2018
eye 142
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she had a thyroid issue pu gets the book, the plant paradox for getting her back on track.sides. >> give me a typical breakfast, lunch, dinner. i have a cake. but like fried chicken. i use flower, tap yolk ka, almond flour. nonhormone chicken. i'm going to be real with you. it's really ek pensive to do. i'm 37 pounds lighter. >> i'm sorry. >> in my pleather. >>> let's not forget mariah carey. sources say she lost 47 pounds. >>> we know cher doesn't hold anything back ever, ever, ever. why would she rather e ♪ ♪ hey, buddy! heard you had a hard day. so, i brought you a snack. i had a bad day too. i forgot my briefcase. it had my laptop- all my papers in it. there i was, at work... ♪ ♪ feed his kindness, with the fresh roasted peanut taste he loves. where there's jif, there's love. >>> promo considerations provided by -- >>> you said tom cruise is one of your top five favorite lovers. who are the other four? >> two are the other four? >> cher's love life came back to haunt her last night. >> they played fill your guts or spill your guts. cher had to eat a dried caterpillar if
she had a thyroid issue pu gets the book, the plant paradox for getting her back on track.sides. >> give me a typical breakfast, lunch, dinner. i have a cake. but like fried chicken. i use flower, tap yolk ka, almond flour. nonhormone chicken. i'm going to be real with you. it's really ek pensive to do. i'm 37 pounds lighter. >> i'm sorry. >> in my pleather. >>> let's not forget mariah carey. sources say she lost 47 pounds. >>> we know cher doesn't hold...
Jun 20, 2018
eye 105
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we pus. challenging conventional thinking. finding smarter solutions.hat makes cancer treatment centers of a one of the leaders in precision cancer treatment. using tools like ad genomic testing and immunotherapy to bring more options to our patients. cancer treatment centers of america. we're not just fighting cancer any more. we're outsmarting it. visit caercenter.com/outsmart to learn more. visited washington, trump first heard peop saking spanish in thehite house, he secretly ushed the alarm button under his desk what is going on on? it's great, it's great. he was a little confused when the king asked if he wanted to go to a tapas bar, he said, don't tell mil namnia. >> can you iuess what being auctioned off? steph curry's worn mouth piece. it's set to be sold at scp auct.ns in californ this is the second one of his mouth piec from the firm .sold and the president of under armour said that rrs most recent mouth guard could be worth at least twae$,000. the item -- $25,000. the item will hit the wuction and l last until august 11th. >>> michael jackso
we pus. challenging conventional thinking. finding smarter solutions.hat makes cancer treatment centers of a one of the leaders in precision cancer treatment. using tools like ad genomic testing and immunotherapy to bring more options to our patients. cancer treatment centers of america. we're not just fighting cancer any more. we're outsmarting it. visit caercenter.com/outsmart to learn more. visited washington, trump first heard peop saking spanish in thehite house, he secretly ushed the...
Jun 12, 2018
eye 138
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why the big business tax plan .s pu >> if you thought it was goi to be easy, if you thought big businessaso mount a serious campaign about opposition, spread lies an misinformation, then you have been living under a rock. >> seattle city leaders voting tuesday on repeang raise funds battletax.to homelessness passed unanimously just weeks ago.ll >>ows us to get money in t door immediately to build thet housing we need. >> plan quickly backfired with big companin like a and starbucks promising to fight it. residents staying city leaders gone too far. >> a lot of things city done we .on' a grow with, weit lived wih city council this time went too r. >> it would chargees a taxer eloyee com and money used to build new housing. many saying the plan to solve this problem would create another burdening businesses and stifling seattles growth. >> i feel like there's n a voice for people of seattle. >> i'm not a political person. i got involved with t to protect my city. >> seattlerd region has thi highest number ofin homel the u.s. 12,000 living in the re ets. 169 homeless deaths in 1720 >> tents,
why the big business tax plan .s pu >> if you thought it was goi to be easy, if you thought big businessaso mount a serious campaign about opposition, spread lies an misinformation, then you have been living under a rock. >> seattle city leaders voting tuesday on repeang raise funds battletax.to homelessness passed unanimously just weeks ago.ll >>ows us to get money in t door immediately to build thet housing we need. >> plan quickly backfired with big companin like a...
Jun 8, 2018
eye 137
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pu so this was really part of trump's power plan. >> fascinating.o the extent that trump ace business deals particularly in the former soviet union are of interest in terms of russia investigation, he is the third part of it. miebl cohen under criminal investigation. president trump obviously the subject of this inquiry by the special counsel. the other guy in the room for all the discussions, disappeared when you called him >> he did. >> wow! >> yes. >> okay. >> good luck finding him. >> thank you. >> if he calls you back please call me after sfla i will. >> christina. reporter for cnbc.com. congratulations. lots to come tonight. we'll be right back. ming palace. laura can clean up a retriever that rolled in foxtails, but she's not much on "articles of organization." articles of what? so, she turned to legalzoom. they helped me out. she means we helped with her llc, trademark, and a lot of other legal stuff that's a part of running a business. so laura can get back to the dogs. would you sit still? this is laura's mobile dog grooming palace and thi
pu so this was really part of trump's power plan. >> fascinating.o the extent that trump ace business deals particularly in the former soviet union are of interest in terms of russia investigation, he is the third part of it. miebl cohen under criminal investigation. president trump obviously the subject of this inquiry by the special counsel. the other guy in the room for all the discussions, disappeared when you called him >> he did. >> wow! >> yes. >> okay....
Jun 21, 2018
eye 87
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she had a thyroid issue pu gets the book, the plant paradox for getting her back on track.ypical breakfast, lunch, dinner. i have a cake. but like fried chicken. i use flower, tap yolk ka, almond flour. nonhormone chicken. i'm going to be real with you. it's really ek pensive to do. i'm 37 pounds lighter. >> i'm sorry. >> in my pleather. >>> let's not forget mariah rey. sources say she lost 47 pounds. >>> we know cher doesn't hold anything back ever, ever, ever. why would she rather ekron-4 ne at eight: president trump reverses his controversial immigration policy, which separated children from their parents at the mexico border... but it is unclear what happens to the thousands of children already in detention centers.plus.. new information on the san francisco police officer who shot a man in the back in the city's north beach neighborhood.what we're learning about two previous shootings. i'm ken wayne i'm pam moore. the news -- at eight -- is next. >>> promo considerations provided by -- >>> you said tom cruise is one of your top five favorite lovers. who are the other f
she had a thyroid issue pu gets the book, the plant paradox for getting her back on track.ypical breakfast, lunch, dinner. i have a cake. but like fried chicken. i use flower, tap yolk ka, almond flour. nonhormone chicken. i'm going to be real with you. it's really ek pensive to do. i'm 37 pounds lighter. >> i'm sorry. >> in my pleather. >>> let's not forget mariah rey. sources say she lost 47 pounds. >>> we know cher doesn't hold anything back ever, ever, ever....
Jun 27, 2018
eye 90
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a look at how one airline is pu tshg make it possible. >>> plus, the trump'sarfar continues. prices of america's top whiskey brand is about to go up in retaliation. we'll tell you where and by how much. could coming out as gay contributed to the death of a 10-year-old southern california boy? child pr >>> coming out as gay contributed to the death of a southern california boy. child protective services is vegtding after he was found with a severe head injury and cigarette burns all over his county. >> the department of children and family services is under intense scrutiny for this one. anthony died at the hospital last thursday in lancaster. relatives and teachers made 16 calls saying he and six siblings were being abused. they never the survivoring sublings are now in custody. so far his mother and boyfriend >> it is 4:39. new this morning. a survey finds u.s. is among the top ten countries considered dangerous for women. come to light since the me too movement, india took the top spot. women in india are at high risk for sexual violence and forced labor. afghanistan, syria
a look at how one airline is pu tshg make it possible. >>> plus, the trump'sarfar continues. prices of america's top whiskey brand is about to go up in retaliation. we'll tell you where and by how much. could coming out as gay contributed to the death of a 10-year-old southern california boy? child pr >>> coming out as gay contributed to the death of a southern california boy. child protective services is vegtding after he was found with a severe head injury and cigarette...
Jun 17, 2018
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ornization to educate and train, to change the paradigm as role models and the past islation that would pu fathers in the lives of their children. and th is happening right now. there's been a change when i started for where we e now. actions have decreased. the child support agency, most of the people they're looking for so it's dissipating. and so there's a time when fathers can be celebrated. fatherhood is not just fath's day, either. it's 365 days a year and 24 hours and 7 days a week and we love and care about our children. >> int, fa your organizaton called absent fatherhood a disease. you're working on the cure. >> absolutely. b we'inning to make that happen fathers are coming to the plate to stand up and be heard. and we're advocating -- we've been getting calls from institutions, prison institutions, and the community to come in and train men. we advoce that you get fatherhood training to become a better dad and involve yourself in your community as role models and it works. >> what are some of the ways you are doing that and prioritizing theunding and the distribution of services
ornization to educate and train, to change the paradigm as role models and the past islation that would pu fathers in the lives of their children. and th is happening right now. there's been a change when i started for where we e now. actions have decreased. the child support agency, most of the people they're looking for so it's dissipating. and so there's a time when fathers can be celebrated. fatherhood is not just fath's day, either. it's 365 days a year and 24 hours and 7 days a week and...
Jun 4, 2018
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puing work out that people might not expect to see, in a particular space, especially at that size. this piece speaks to a land dispute on the navajo nation, and in this area, the peabody coal company, and the hopi tribe were forcibly removing navajo people from this area. this photograph was taken in 1983; the guy whtook it was a ar friend of mine. i just really wanted to do this for him, but also get bis message ouause it unfortunely remains necessary. >> i have a one year old, so that's what caught my eye, really. >> yeah, good. >> throwing that little babyifp, that's bea. >> yeah, that's the beauty of this photograph. it's multi-layered, it's complex, a lot like life. my name is chip thomas, street art name jetsonorama. and i live on the navajo, or dinÉ nation, about 35 miles south of the border with utah, in incredibly beautiful canyon country. >> for a long time, it was a mystery. who's this guy putting all this stuff up? he puts his artwork on abandoned homes, abandoned buildings. he brings life back to it. >> the dinÉ should be the materially wealthiest group of people livin
puing work out that people might not expect to see, in a particular space, especially at that size. this piece speaks to a land dispute on the navajo nation, and in this area, the peabody coal company, and the hopi tribe were forcibly removing navajo people from this area. this photograph was taken in 1983; the guy whtook it was a ar friend of mine. i just really wanted to do this for him, but also get bis message ouause it unfortunely remains necessary. >> i have a one year old, so...
Jun 9, 2018
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and trump is hoping that he will get back nuke free peace pu. but it's a big bet because north korea hasn't had to give up anything to get the gift of in summit. and they have never made good on this promise before. that's the concern. you are giving a lot what do you get back? russia now. what are you getting for the love to putin? nothing. very unclear with this g 7 strategy. the president dropped this nugget before he ended up to the meeting in quebec. >> now breaking news, the white house says the u.s. along with other world leaders is kicking russia out of the g 8. this comes after a senior u.s. defense official tells cnn on the ukraine russia border, russia quote has enough troops they could move against ukraine at any time now. >>> donald trump has has never looked and sounded better that was erin burnett explaining why russia was kicked out. what the president said today is we have to add them become. they have to have a seat at the table. no one wants that. why? because of what you heard erin say. they got rid of them from the g 8 for g
and trump is hoping that he will get back nuke free peace pu. but it's a big bet because north korea hasn't had to give up anything to get the gift of in summit. and they have never made good on this promise before. that's the concern. you are giving a lot what do you get back? russia now. what are you getting for the love to putin? nothing. very unclear with this g 7 strategy. the president dropped this nugget before he ended up to the meeting in quebec. >> now breaking news, the white...
Jun 26, 2018
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they want to pus that bac until the investigation actually wrapu up. may remember the cell phone video from silver s this month. that shooting left robert white unarmed africanmerican man dead. police say white assaulted the officer. >>> it's 4:04, and we are hearing from a girl this morning who says ai clauamate sexy assaulted her. 14-year-old francesca saysoy a she did not k know attacke her in park last summer in winchester. documents from juvenile court show that the boy was placed on probation for b sexualtery and abduction. he was also ordered not to have conduct with francesca. she was shocked to run into her attacker at high school. he family filed a title nine complaint. >> because have your failure and your refusal to keep me safe, i walked in the halls afraid to turn the corner, afraid t use the rest room. >> the school board will not comment on a specific karks but says its policy onexual harassment complaints requires a finding that the misconduct created a hostile environment in school. the board says it does not lerate harassment against
they want to pus that bac until the investigation actually wrapu up. may remember the cell phone video from silver s this month. that shooting left robert white unarmed africanmerican man dead. police say white assaulted the officer. >>> it's 4:04, and we are hearing from a girl this morning who says ai clauamate sexy assaulted her. 14-year-old francesca saysoy a she did not k know attacke her in park last summer in winchester. documents from juvenile court show that the boy was placed...
Jun 18, 2018
eye 159
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pu warmer weather moves in ahead.ere the accuweather forecasts crystal geyser alpine springpasses through here, and is bottled right here. at the mountain source. naturally. crystal geyser is the only major u.s spring water bottled at the mountain source. naturally. how far does crystal geyser alpine spring water travel from its source to the bottle? less than a mile and a half. crystal geyser. always bottled at the mountain source. naturally. >>> well, san francisco voters apparently won't get to decide if the city should create a high-speed interpret service for residents and businesses. >> several leaders spent years spents years pushing for a legalry are prun broad band system. now the examiner reports rk mark farrell has decided against a tax measure to fund the broad band. the mayor face as tuesday deadline a submit a measure. >>> abc 7 news was in san jose when people looking to downsize shopped for tiny houses at the santa clara county fair grounds. some buyers are looking for vacation cabins. one shopper beli
pu warmer weather moves in ahead.ere the accuweather forecasts crystal geyser alpine springpasses through here, and is bottled right here. at the mountain source. naturally. crystal geyser is the only major u.s spring water bottled at the mountain source. naturally. how far does crystal geyser alpine spring water travel from its source to the bottle? less than a mile and a half. crystal geyser. always bottled at the mountain source. naturally. >>> well, san francisco voters apparently...
Jun 26, 2018
eye 72
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and i like these award-winning cheddar pu first place.ve both es?we're an awards family. em you'll like thoth, but love our price. ni award-winning orga cheddar puffs, from aldi. simply smarter shopping. taking the shortcuts traffic congestion has become easiero waiz and google maps. but according to wot radio neighbors who live alongay east p in alexandria are fed up. now the city is installing temporary no right tuhe signs. t hoipt wil prevent drivers to use the roads from. they are hoping to get mapping companius to adj based on these new restrictions. get ready to pay more like uber or lyft. they voted to race taxes from one percent to 6 percent. it is expected to race mil of dollars for metro. it wl have a disproportionate impactn the district's mostti vulnerable comes. the tax will go into effeob oner 1 . with summertimehe ing up the conversat sn on afety is as important as ever. hundreds of thousands of kids are hurt in bike accidents every year. a study from nationwide children's hospital found every hour l ateast 25 kids are treated in emer
and i like these award-winning cheddar pu first place.ve both es?we're an awards family. em you'll like thoth, but love our price. ni award-winning orga cheddar puffs, from aldi. simply smarter shopping. taking the shortcuts traffic congestion has become easiero waiz and google maps. but according to wot radio neighbors who live alongay east p in alexandria are fed up. now the city is installing temporary no right tuhe signs. t hoipt wil prevent drivers to use the roads from. they are hoping to...
Jun 18, 2018
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we were expecting isolated showers to pu through the ar and it just so happens we got one right overistrict, but things are drying out and our rain outlook. we are going to be seeing active weather during the week and tomorrow is looking on the dryer side oth gs, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and that's when we'll see the greater chance of showers and understorms as well. friday we'll keep monitoring those chances. for the moay commute, plenty of sunshine. you will weak up to a few cloude out th and that will the give way to sunshine and things will start warming up. take a look at this temperature. 8:00 a.m.,8 80 degrees and 94, plenty of sunshine and 4:00, 5:00, that's when we'll start to see the dangerous heat. look at the feel like temps moay morning feeling like 80 degrees walking out the door and by 4:00 p.m., we're talking triple digit feels like temperatures and leesburg, you could be feeling 105 this afternoon and don't forget we have the air alalityrt in effect, as well. it will be a hot and humid day out there. this heat follows us into tuesday. tuesday morning feeling like
we were expecting isolated showers to pu through the ar and it just so happens we got one right overistrict, but things are drying out and our rain outlook. we are going to be seeing active weather during the week and tomorrow is looking on the dryer side oth gs, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and that's when we'll see the greater chance of showers and understorms as well. friday we'll keep monitoring those chances. for the moay commute, plenty of sunshine. you will weak up to a few cloude out th...
Jun 26, 2018
eye 65
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possible by the freeman foundation, kovler foundation, pursuing solutions for america's neglected needs,punpoint financial. >> how do we shape our tomorrow? or starts with a vision. we see its idealin our mind, and then we begin to chisel. we strip away everything that stands in the way to reveal new possibilities. at purepoint financial, we have designed our modern approach to banking around you -- your plans, yougoals, your dreams. your tomorrow is now. purepoint financial. >> and now, bbc world news. >> this is "bbc world news america." the u.s. supreme court hands president trump a major victory, upholding his travel ban by the narrowest of margins. >> a tremendous success for the american peopl and for our constitution. this is a great victr our constitution. >> along the southern border, the battle continues over what to do with countless families trying to enter the united states. and argentina lives to play again. lionel messi and his team defeat nigeria to avoid being eliminated from the world cup.e welc to our viewers in the u.s. and around the world. president trump scored a maj
possible by the freeman foundation, kovler foundation, pursuing solutions for america's neglected needs,punpoint financial. >> how do we shape our tomorrow? or starts with a vision. we see its idealin our mind, and then we begin to chisel. we strip away everything that stands in the way to reveal new possibilities. at purepoint financial, we have designed our modern approach to banking around you -- your plans, yougoals, your dreams. your tomorrow is now. purepoint financial. >> and...
eye 152
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that pus the a's t a's t a's t t that is the tying ru there's yusmeiro petite. rois this this this this ths we'll havehe about a hour. >> i think they thought they >> i think they thought they would get and now, xfinity mobile's included. you could get up to five lines. you could save 400 bucks or more a year, which you could spend on a funk-tastic music video. ♪ dance party boom. ♪ simple. easy. awesome. with three times the speed of at&t and directv,, and tv for $35 each a month for a year icaltu who was endorsed by trump. and villaraigosa's being bankrolled by a handful of billionaires. it's everything that's wrong with politics. and none of it is helping struggling families. here's my pledge to you. i'll keep our budget balanced. invest in affordable housing. fight for universal healthcare., you can trust me to do what's right- because i always have. with savings on the new sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your every move and automatically adjusts and snoring.... does your bed do that? don't miss the final days of our semi-annual sale save up to $700 on
that pus the a's t a's t a's t t that is the tying ru there's yusmeiro petite. rois this this this this ths we'll havehe about a hour. >> i think they thought they >> i think they thought they would get and now, xfinity mobile's included. you could get up to five lines. you could save 400 bucks or more a year, which you could spend on a funk-tastic music video. ♪ dance party boom. ♪ simple. easy. awesome. with three times the speed of at&t and directv,, and tv for $35 each a...
Jun 28, 2018
eye 153
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>>> to explosive moments on capitol hill as horee blicans grilled fbi director christopher wray and pu attorney general rod rosenstein. republicans urging rosenstein to wrap up the russia investigwhich he's overseeing and democrats fighting back. our chief white house correspondent hallie jackson has more. >> reporter: inside a a house hearing room political production. >> i'm reading what pr ths said. >> i would suggest you not rely on the press. >> who should we believe? clear it's not king personal, mr. jordan. >> believe me because i'm telling the truth and i'm under oath. >> reporter: the hearing focused on fbi actions during the hillary clinton e-mail investigation in 2016 and that senior agent working on the russia investigation at the time who exchanged anti trump text messages with a colleague he was the agent saying we'll stop it. >> these people were also the very same people who were assigned to investigate the man they hated, then candidate donald trump. >> reporr: but critics see this as a cover for republicans real purpose, they say to try to undermine the special counse
>>> to explosive moments on capitol hill as horee blicans grilled fbi director christopher wray and pu attorney general rod rosenstein. republicans urging rosenstein to wrap up the russia investigwhich he's overseeing and democrats fighting back. our chief white house correspondent hallie jackson has more. >> reporter: inside a a house hearing room political production. >> i'm reading what pr ths said. >> i would suggest you not rely on the press. >> who should...
Jun 4, 2018
eye 273
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with 30 million views on facebook as he can make the pain of a pued tooth go poof and disappear. >> i'lltake it out of your ear. do you think i can do it? look what i foun >> oh my god. i can't believe i did it. >> parents can't believe who they are hearing. >> she begs me to come here. she always wants to come to the dentist. >> the den not scary. >> he's the best dentist. super best dentist. >> but maybe his best trick of all, pull a smile out of thin air. pretty cute. tomorrow night at the end of our broadcast on the nightly snapshot, an american favorite found in so many homes beloved by generations and now celebrating a major milestone. we'll tell you about it. >>> we appreciate you spending part of your evening with us. at is "nightly news" for this monday night. i'm lester holt, for all of us at nbc news, thank you for watching and good night. nbc news, thanthe bay area so expensive, the national park service can )t afford to stay. we )re looking into just how may people are moving out. ride-share drivers -- pick up a woman, drive her dozens of miles from her home, and sexually as
with 30 million views on facebook as he can make the pain of a pued tooth go poof and disappear. >> i'lltake it out of your ear. do you think i can do it? look what i foun >> oh my god. i can't believe i did it. >> parents can't believe who they are hearing. >> she begs me to come here. she always wants to come to the dentist. >> the den not scary. >> he's the best dentist. super best dentist. >> but maybe his best trick of all, pull a smile out of thin...
Jun 8, 2018
eye 42
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happened during the obama and bush administrations -- let me tell you what happened during the obama ad pus and bush administration's. what they would do is processed the asylum claim, keep the children with their parents, and that seemed to be a good process. when attorney general sessions reversed this and said we are going to prosecute everything of person come up with detention facilities even if they have legitimate claims, not only does it make no rational sense, but it causes a huge burden on detention facilities in which you work and other facilities. this was a policy done with no forethought and the resources. thank you for bringing that up. we will look into it. oregon.se is in the house is coming in early for their morning session so make a quick for the congressman. caller: this is rose from illinois. i want to make several statements because people are all over the place. there was one lady who said earlier to you that take down the wall for russia, but we are putting up a wall. that's crazy an insane talk. russia put a wall between one country to divided country. we are not d
happened during the obama and bush administrations -- let me tell you what happened during the obama ad pus and bush administration's. what they would do is processed the asylum claim, keep the children with their parents, and that seemed to be a good process. when attorney general sessions reversed this and said we are going to prosecute everything of person come up with detention facilities even if they have legitimate claims, not only does it make no rational sense, but it causes a huge...
Jun 28, 2018
eye 101
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stunned passengers told toth pu r hands up. >> everybody had their hands upp made aretty dominant presence. >> reporr: while the pilot assured the passengers it was a miscommunication, a heavily armed s.w.a.t. team boarded the plane to be sure. >> it was scary because it never seppen to me before. >> reporter: onenger taking to twitter, honestly thought we were going to die. i'm alive. it all started when jetblue lost contact with the tower before take off. unable to communicate, the pilot meant to type in and transmit a four-digit code he was having radio problems. insteacc heentally typed in the four-digit code for high jack. >> it's a key pad entry into a small rectangular box and it's a four-digit de. and the pilot just inadvertently entered one wrong digit. >> reporter: finally word it was all a false alarm. >> radio malf rction. orter: no high jacking. a three-hour delay before the nightly flight to l.a.m costello, nbc news, washington. >> all's well that ends well. it is a race against time as fresh flooding temporarily lted the search for 12 missing boys and their soccer coach. the
stunned passengers told toth pu r hands up. >> everybody had their hands upp made aretty dominant presence. >> reporr: while the pilot assured the passengers it was a miscommunication, a heavily armed s.w.a.t. team boarded the plane to be sure. >> it was scary because it never seppen to me before. >> reporter: onenger taking to twitter, honestly thought we were going to die. i'm alive. it all started when jetblue lost contact with the tower before take off. unable to...
Jun 9, 2018
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and the pu commission t >>> state senator bill dodd of napa county says, "i am calling on pg&e, utilities across the state and the public utilities commission to step up and insure they are meeting their legal obligations to maintain power lines in a safe manner. it's in excusable and it can't be allowed to happen again." we'll have much more on this breaking story at 6:00 including pg&e's possible legal strategy of deflecting some of the blame for these fires. on in the middl >>> now at 5:00 blatant illegal dumping all caught on camera, take a look. the truck drops construction waste right in the middle of an oakland neighborhood street. it happened at east 17th street near 23rd avenue. that's where kpix5's da lin is and there's apparently still trash all over the street there, da? >> reporter: big chunks still in the street. now public works came by earlier today and yesterday, but they say these chunks are simply too big. they range from a few pounds all the way up to 80 pounds. they promised to come back to clear all of this out. broad daylight, 1:00 in the afternoon, this white picku
and the pu commission t >>> state senator bill dodd of napa county says, "i am calling on pg&e, utilities across the state and the public utilities commission to step up and insure they are meeting their legal obligations to maintain power lines in a safe manner. it's in excusable and it can't be allowed to happen again." we'll have much more on this breaking story at 6:00 including pg&e's possible legal strategy of deflecting some of the blame for these fires. on in...
Jun 2, 2018
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>> i think she's been pued to the left, although she would dispute that. she's come out in favor of recreational marijua medical marijuana. she's really i think moved to the left on some of these issues that previously she's been a more moderate emocrat. so i think the recent poll friday morning is interesting, she's only at 36%. that's only 6 percentage points more than wherevi gnewsom is polling. she's been in office 25 years. she's well-kwn. the question is can kevin de leon get into the top two. i don't think he can win against her. it will make a different race and keep pushing dianne feinstein towards theleft. >> christine, from your vantage point at "the los angeles times," how is the senate race playing out? >> i think that it iseally notable that she is polling at that low of a number, having been in office, an incumbent for so long. one thing you're going to have to watch is that dianne feinstein has a lot of money in if the bank, almost $7 million difference between her and kevin de l an. sheeady spent a lot of that money and still has so much m
>> i think she's been pued to the left, although she would dispute that. she's come out in favor of recreational marijua medical marijuana. she's really i think moved to the left on some of these issues that previously she's been a more moderate emocrat. so i think the recent poll friday morning is interesting, she's only at 36%. that's only 6 percentage points more than wherevi gnewsom is polling. she's been in office 25 years. she's well-kwn. the question is can kevin de leon get into...
Jun 21, 2018
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. >>> the developing headline coming in today involving the pu turpin family. what some of the children have revealed in court, put in cages for punishment, they say. and what the judge has now decided tonight. will the parents stand trial? >>> and the doctor, the woman who was dancing while she operated on patients, suspended. now fighting to keep her license. how she explains her behavior to us. the exclusive interview right here tonight. >>> good evening. and it's great to have you with us here on a very busy thursday night. and we begin tonight with the first lady's visit to the border, where children have been separated from their parents. just 24 hours after her husband signed that executive order, saying families will no longer be separated. but the president's move came after weeks of repoin then the images of children in cages, audio of their cries. the first lady's visit today was a surprise. they did not revile it beforehand. and she did have questions when she got there. you will hear what she asked. as tonight, president trump is now on the cover o
. >>> the developing headline coming in today involving the pu turpin family. what some of the children have revealed in court, put in cages for punishment, they say. and what the judge has now decided tonight. will the parents stand trial? >>> and the doctor, the woman who was dancing while she operated on patients, suspended. now fighting to keep her license. how she explains her behavior to us. the exclusive interview right here tonight. >>> good evening. and it's...
Jun 16, 2018
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pu have spoken so passionately about the circumstances that lead to otto warmbier's death.he same breath you're defending now kim jong-un's human rights records. dow can you do that? >> you know why? i don't want to see a nuclear weapon destroy you and your family. i want to have a good relationship with north korea. te reporter: he also said he was i king when he said this about h e dictator on fox: e i mean, he is the strong d ad. don't let anyone think anything different. >> right. >> he speaks and his people sit up at attention. i want my people to do the same. >> reporter: president trump blamed his predecessor for siadimir putin's 2014 invasion of crimea and doubled down on his claim that russia should be readmitted to the group of eight industrialized nations, adding he might meet with putin this summer. >> president obama lost crimea because president putin didn't respect president obama. >> reporter: the president also had a tough message for china, delivered through new tariffs-- 25% on $50 billion worth of chinese imports. >> now, they may not be as happy today b
pu have spoken so passionately about the circumstances that lead to otto warmbier's death.he same breath you're defending now kim jong-un's human rights records. dow can you do that? >> you know why? i don't want to see a nuclear weapon destroy you and your family. i want to have a good relationship with north korea. te reporter: he also said he was i king when he said this about h e dictator on fox: e i mean, he is the strong d ad. don't let anyone think anything different. >>...