and one of my favorites is this wonderful work of a hunt there at the pube lo area. the title of the work is "too old for the rabbit hunt." and we see this older pa web lo indian in the foreground looking wisfully at the young men on horseback as they're hunting. this is a work for me that transcends time and culture that all of us at some point in our lives will become too old to become the things we could do in our youth that we love to do. and we see that here in the old man looking at his past. and i often wonder if this is an al gore call work that what he's seeing is actually a dream of his past. but in any case, a wonderful work representing the school the artist has used the mountains in the background to signify the almost timeless quality of the landscape of new mexico. and these indian people that have lived there long before europeans had come in contact, these areas of new mexico and arizona are the oldest, longest lived areas continue usually lived areas of human inhabitants here in what becomes the united states. as a lifelong collector of the arts arc