s office under mr. brown, but he really shaped it beyond the status quo of that time to make it the most progressive and effective public defender's office in the united states of america, and i don't say things like that lately. he actively recruited a remarkable team of talented folks who, quite frankly, could have gone to higher paying jobs, but it is really their life's work. it is a scrappy, amazing team, and i do have to say, jeff and i had our differences, i am known for being a bit tight with the money. he would come in, and kemal harris was asking for three new deputies, and then he said he should get three new deputies, and i would say no, the d.a. handles all the cases, you handle a subset of the cases, so let's do it on the map. he would stay here until 3:00 in the morning until the budget was done, and would ultimately end up with one more than he should have. but jeff was the of cool. this is the guy who could pull off wearing a suit suit, and he was also cool as it related to his legal innovations, whether it was drug court, the clean slate expungement services, of which i actually try to avail myself of, but was to