. -- courts themselves are public periodc. supervisor avalos: that would be great to get.i would appreciate that. lastly, i walk through there and i am seeing a great more people who are walking. the stock folks and hikers. and it is a dangerous place. i am happy i have not heard of anyone getting hit but there is a lot of close calls and there has been talk about putting a crosswalk and i am wondering where things are at in the capital plan in terms of doing that. it is a real need. it could be an ada is to -- issue as well. >> we agree. just for access. the area has no sidewalks. this has been talked about and there are a couple of different approaches but we would appreciate your help bonds. obviously, there is a street on that past. paychex this is not in the street o. >> we have been invited to submit some thoughts lots of were the project -- worthy projects but that is one we have our focus on. also we're in an ongoing planning conversation. altman lee, the community will decide on the dollars -- ultimately, of that community will decide on the dollars that are alloc