i got invited to cook cinco de mayo dinner in puebla, in puebla city. downtown puebla, if you walk around, you can see the colonialism. we dedicated a whole day to go visit this family of a tlachiquero. and a tlachiquero is someone that preserves the art of making pulque. pulque is a fermented agave drink. alberto is from a family of tlachiqueros, and he takes it incredibly serious. i'm trying to figure out how to get alberto's pulque at el jardin. it would be a crime to not have pulque becau then that's not painting the full picture of everything thate have. we go on this hike with alberto to go siphon the aguamiel from the different agaves he has. agaves need to grow years-- eight years--to get a really good piÑa. if you start picking them when they're this big, you're just killing your land. he's showing us this process that he goes through of siphoning it. when he approaches t agave that he is going to, li, cut into, he just goes silent, and he touches it at the heart, and he just closes his eyes. you know whatever that connection is happening to him