puebla, mexico is one of the, i think, the most beautiful cities on the continent, i haven't been thena couple of decades. but it is a wonderful place. he is occupying puebla in may, on may 15th and 1847. and, here is the way the army works in those days. if you sign up, if you signed up as a volunteer, a long term enlistments use about six months, which is barely enough time even to train. interrupted, like the idea was that virtuous men would sign up for military and wartime, but you wouldn't have a large standing army when it's not wartime because a large number of men under arms is not only expensive, which grows the size of the central government, it increases its power, and authority, and strength, and likelihood that it will be using, but also, you wouldn't have those under arms because armies are an republican places. you have to take orders, someone else is telling you when they get, up what to do all the time. the americans prior to the 20th century, they bristles of that sort of thing. the idea was, in wartime, you'd volunteered a virtuous defensive home and heart and there