. >> the one thing i will say that didn't make it in the book is aurora pullum is part of my application to college. anyway maybe that's not the end. it's one of the very few works. >> i will now open it up. if anyone has questions that are not related to nile rodgers, feel free. there is a microphone. >> this is one of those questions which if you're going away to a desert island which books would you take? >> it's such a hard question -- because by the probably would take the longest books that i would have the most time without ever read. a lot of long books i want to reread. i was just talking with the author jennifer eagan about a book i read in the roosevelt chapter on how to read the books. i read moby dick when i was living in highland and i was on vacation in thailand on the beach. i was the only person there in a tropical resort reading moby dick of myself but it felt like an appropriate venue. the book, she was reading a lot of wailing stories then. she just read it and i said wow you have time to read. and then probably books that i have struggled to finish so i would actuall