that needs more regulation, says absorption facilities, to strerengthen their waste management facilities, and also to penalize where they are violating their water licensing. michael: the city is searching for ways to conserve the precious resource. preventing groundwater levels from further declining is essential. otherwise, jakarta will sink even faster, and flooding will popose an even bigger threat. waste is another problem. in the monsoon seasoson, especially, trash h clogs upup rivers a and canals, so waterws can't drain into the sea. these days, an army of about 12,000 trash collectors work evacuated and torn down in the name of flood protection. the kampung of tongkol was slated for demolition in 2015. the huts were directly on the river, and inhabitants were supposed to be evicted. then they took matters into their own hands. they have torn down parts of their homes themselves, removing sections on the water's edge. gugun: three years ago, we cut our house. and before we did some cleaning , river activiti