i have driven all over these puninp peninsu peninsulas. it's good hunting territory because it's good deer producing territory. all through the necks until you get right close down to the saltwater area, and of course, i live in the saltwater area and it's cruddy. but it's great. it's also rich in plant foods if your domesticates tend to come from vessel america instead of here and the rainfall in mexico city, where i also lived for a summer, is quite different from here. it was wet all summer long. may be semi desert, but it was scattered out. that's not the case here. we have a bad summer about one in three summers. and sometimes they clump up. so you want a lot of wild plants. wild plants. when i started messing with wild plants, reading botanical manuals and bepestering botanis, there were about 1100 native wild species in the coastal plain of virginia. almost as many in the piedmont, that people could get edible parts from if they were willing to do that much work. you can narrow it down to about 100 requiring only a moderate amount o