sacramento, a bed of high technology companies, for example, has a large hindu, punjabi, and arab speaking population. access sacramento, their access channel, make sure there are plenty of programs to serve their community in native languages. san francisco proudly has one of the largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities in the nation. public access television serves them well. no one else will. it's not cost-effective for channels, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 7 to serve as a niche market. if i made add, several public access television programs have had the highest honor in the industry bestowed upon them by being awarded emmy awards for their outstanding programs. our own access newsroom was nominated for one years ago. full disclosure network from marina dell ray was awarded one for their outstanding investigative reporting. mainstream media won't touch the story about superior court judges who violate the laws with impunity. it's up to those brave public access reporters to make us aware of the real news that we need to know about. because of this, los angeles lost 12 public acce