the consulate in punta del gada is rumored to be on the list for closure. one of the oraniginal consul la of our nation and something i ask you do everything in your power to preserve. certainly this is a budget discussion today. it's appropriate to discuss it in the budget. the second question i would have is that there are questions of visas that members of -- citizens of portugal would have to go to france in order to obtain certain kinds of permanent immigration visas or green cards to the united states. i understand the number may only be 150. but the relationship that we have with portugal is so important. when the gulf war first started, the original summit was on the azors and in the azors and portugal was the host country. there may not be a better friend to the united states anywhere in the world. and i'd just like to have you discuss that if you can. finally, i will share with you that i was somewhat dismayed a while back when the president indicated in the negotiating strategy of a reversion back to the '67 lines in israel as part of where he th