they american pupils as ness is too important to keep falling prey day after day to washington politics. >> we are approaching a slippery slope that will destroy the very unique aspect of this institution called the united states senate. >> i'm wondering if senator mccain has a point. will the senate begin to resemble the house? rex it will. you will see a marked increase in partisanship. filibuster was not used and the republicans have abused it and overused it and trivialized it. and the great civil rights fight of 1964, the difference between then and now was found in the boat. they were 29 votes to keep the filibuster. keep it going. ofinst the civil rights act 1964. 24 of those were cast i democrats. the parties were not polarized. they are now polarized. you have a senate majority. would be the law of unintended consequences. >> i am sure there will be many unintended consequences. this could have been avoided. n the word nuclear option was coined initially by the democrats because this was the republican's idea when george bush was president. solution then with six to mccracken s