when these purdue university researchers took their science lab to the produce section, they say theyted the fungicide on oranges, a preservative on apples. they found traces of pesticides on more than 90% of eight of the most popular fruits and vegetables. the chemicals turned up after the produce was washed for ten seconds, in some cases even peeled. which means the chemicals were not just on the surface but inside the fruits and vegetables themselves. the environmental working group a nonprofit consumer advocacy group identified its so called dirty dozen, the fruits and vegetables that contains, it says, the most chemicals. topping the list, apples, celery, strawberries and peaches. >> if you eat fruits and vegetables in america, you are eats pesticides. >> reporter: the usda told abc news "overall pesticide residues found on foods tested are at levels below the tolerances set by the epa." industry groups go further saying the environmental working group far overplayed the numbers, noting that the 99.7% of the federal government samples were within safety limits. >> what do you say