. >> p people are massacred, a ane perpetrators are o only half-heartedly pureded. time and agagain the terroririst organisations s islamic state a alal qaeda claim r responsibili for the murders. the government denies that, saying the perpetrators come from bangladesh itself. it's hard to say which is true. in dhaka we visit a large mosque with a quran school run by the islamic unity front, a party that's accused of at least sympathising with extremists. our welcome is friendly. they tell us the murders are contrary to islam. but they also say they don't understand what all the fuss is about. >> i don't know why these bloggers are sitting at home in fear. i have no idea what they've done wrong, how they've violated our constitution or how they've insulted our religion. but they should recognise that and apologise. then they can lead normal lives. >> it's long been more than just bloggers and intellectuals who are being murdered. people are killed because they have different faiths. christians and hindus, for instance. the fear is palpable in the largest hindu templ