"when i was a child, my dad took me on a hike to the putarana plateau in the summer, and i got sick,k, of course, from the beauty of the local expanses of lakes, mountains and waterfalls. darel residents say: "our summer is short, with little snow, it's true, the northern summer is short, only a couple of months, july to august, in june". it may still snow, in september it will already snow, but almost the entire summer the polar day lasts, the sun, even if it is in the haze, does not set for a minute behind the horizon, such a northern white night, and this means that you can walk in the mountains, lakes, days and nights on end, true, there is one important thing, but, these are mosquitoes, there is a whole sea of them and other flying evil spirits here, oh, the summer is red, i would love you if it weren’t for the heat, and dust, and... a couple of years in the north you can immediately tell, they move calmly, confidently, without touching with your hands wave, you can identify tourists not only by the nervous waving of their arms and clapping all over their bodies, but by their