the thing at can be id is dvedev wasomewhat of liabilitfor the putin administraon.urrtly, he isot very pular. he has beewrapped upn various rruption sndals. it w a way of acting take a for the govnment'recent faures witho vibly demong him, i ink. its dignifie exifor medvev. but in aet by the eire cabit t was not require that is a curiosi. amy: dyou see pun doi somethinalong the ne that inese lead xi did tnk one of e reasons ese thingsave happen is since 2018 wheputin was reected, the questioon everyo's mds has been,hat is gng to happ in 2020 fr? is he ing to staforever or leave? whhese chang do is opeup that qstioned us a, hes probab notoing to st as present becaushe ca't do that, but re a serie other ros he couldook int and he wl have some kininof alternive e powerbe. the otr thing itays is whoever bemes presidt after m, will nohave nearlas much pow as puti h had. what i cfusing is looks li putin icarvinut it way to slide io parallel re and rein powerl so he i remakinghe system,ut breaki it as welso that no one has much powers he used to have. rmeen: ton your bookr