have the technocrats in charge prefer some reason and i had this fellow and ministration of the putin mr quinn find enough of those people do you think they. perhaps do they have a problem with the recruitment system or do they run against this informal system of relationship if you mention what's what's been the style of this era the level of education was a huge problem you know you have people that have and i have one guy he's the head of the. district land organization in the district he's a chronic alcoholic with a second grade education you know at some level you cannot expect competence from these people most people only had a elementary school education some people did have university but it was very difficult and so just getting the level of education up so they could can't. deal with the volume of paperwork and just regular work that they were expected to do they also expected an awful lot from these. and i feel deep deep sympathy for my rikon chairman because they were expected to organize harvest on the collective farm they were expected to go out and do propaganda work they were e