. >> puyallup, washington, home to the puyallup fair.g more than 1 million visitors over its two-week run. the fair has all the stuff great fairs are made of -- food, rides, games, and cattle. the western parade is part of a cattle herding tradition around these parts. a 12-block drive down puyallup's main drag that's rich in local history. >> the western parade, which features a cattle drive, really had its origin from the days when the train would stop in town and they would herd the livestock down the main street to get to the fair. >> but times have changed. these more modern 2009 cows say, herding tradition, i don't think so. >> we had a situation where a number of the steers decided to take a right-hand turn when they should have gone straight. and unfortunately, that right-hand turn took them into the parking lot of a gas station and convenience store. >> dean kepler is a photographer for the local newspaper, "the tacoma news tribune." he's been covering the local fair for a number of years, and he has a front row seat for the sam