y -- puzlers, it is already out, really. and he is considered breakfast, bill schulz. and if fearless reporting was the hokey pokey, i'm sure i did him at a party in the mid70s. and his bosses are bitter because his sales are in the toilet. it is our new york times correspondent. good to see you, pinch. >> considering this is a paper of work rather than salacious gossip rag, we have yet to report on dan moreno and his 27-year-old love child. love child. never meant to be,. ♪ love child ♪ scorn bay society ♪ love child ♪ always second best ♪ love child ♪ different from the rest ♪ contemplating ♪ is it worth the pain of waiting ♪ ♪ we will only end up hating ♪ love child ♪ >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. jay we have dialed back -- >> we have dialed back this whole pinch thing to once a week, and yet it doesn't make any difference. it is like dialing back and getting shot in the head. we are only going to shoot you once a week instead of five times. >>> is the ad from coke a racist joke? better question are any super bowl commercials this year not bigoted? t