plywood, laminated flooring, drywall, ceramic tile, grout, masonry, marble, and stone, pegboard, and pvcen cuts right through metal and steel and cuts through carpet without a single snag. rotorazer is a jigsaw, circular saw, band saw, tile saw, and hack saw combined. rotorazer cuts horizontally or vertically. it cuts in a straight line, along a curved line, or plunge cuts a corner on a dime. you can even cut with it upside down. with rotorazer, you can rip it, cross-cut it, miter it, or trim it. rotorazer cuts new tile like magic without cracking and removes old tile and grout in seconds. inside is a 400-watt motor in a construction-grade chassis that's durable, incredibly light, and fits easily in the palm of any sized hand. there's a thumb-control power switch on one side with a safety switch on the other that keeps the blade guard locked until you're ready to cut. and the blade guard adjusts so you can cut to the depth you want without damaging the surface below. and rotorazer comes with three quick-change, razor-sharp cutting blades. you get a tungsten carbide blade for wood, a high