laminated flooring, drywall, sheet metal, ceramic tile, grout, masonry, marble, travertine, headboard, pvsteet a saw that cuts carpet without a snag like sharp scissors on paper? rotorazer cuts horizontally or vertically. it cuts a straight line, along a curved line, or plunge cut a corner in no time. no other saw on earth has the cutting precision of the rotorazer. imagine trying to make a contoured cut like this with an ordinary circular saw. impossible! and talk about precision. watch again as the rotorazer makes the same ribbon cut in a matter of seconds. you get the exact cut you need, perfect and precise, in seconds! rotorazer really is the only one saw that does it all just right. >> i built a portable storage locker that sits on my trailer that i can pull behind my automobile or store in my yard. rotorazer was the perfect saw to do the job. really easy to use. cut like a hot knife going through butter. it was the right width of blade, so it leaves a nice, clean, smooth cut, easy to follow a straight line, easy to plunge into wood with it. today, the rotorazer was the right tool for th