they are pwc. and skaters would write back and say, no, these are not pwc, they are boy scouts of america, they wear the same uniform that you do. they read the same manual that you do, they go out in the same merit badges you do. and so, none of them came in. within one day, we got to notice that the boy scouts, boy scout troops from -- we're going to come in. so, they came in, and we did our not tying contests. i was starting fires without a match. woodworking contests, all of these things. and then, we got paired off with a kid from cody, to build our tent. well, in wyoming, it can rain a lot, anytime. so, in order to protect the tent, you had to build a motor around it. and then, you know, there's a kit in that ten below us, he's a bully, we don't like him. would you mind if we cut the exit towards that tent? [laughs] well, no skin off of my nose, i said sure. so, we built this beautiful moat. as luck would have it, it started raining. and i am carving that moat, it's draining beautifully. it w