from pwllheli, aberystwyth is almost a two hour drive.ave heard examples across wales of learner drivers booking their tests over the border in england. that is just those who have been able to book their tests. availability is really limited, with no free slots in some places untiljune. the dvsa says it is trying to tackle the backlog by recruiting an additional 300 examiners. it is also asking those who have retired recently to consider coming back temporarily. it is also offering tests on weekends and public holidays. in cardiff, damien has had a long day. he quit hisjob as an examiner in november after 18 years. he says he will make more money as an instructor. i left basically because we were being asked to do more and more work for the same pay. it was a big decision, but ultimately it will lead to better finances for me. the pcs union says the plans to tackle the backlog of tests will take time. it says what is really needed is betterjob security and pay for examiners. back in pwllheli, this woman's clocking up a few more miles bef