members were kept here, among whom was the mother of petramiovich masherov, the commander pyotr miranovich masherov, darya petrovna masherova, she ... was tortured, tortured, trying to beat out information about local partisan detachments, about her son and having achieved nothing on september 16, forty-second, they shot not far from this place on on the shore of lake rosonskoye, here, yes, yes, a little further is located, this place, also during the war the building suffered from shelling, was damaged, part of the building collapsed, in the post-war years the district hospital moved here, then there was a nursing home. already in the eighties and nineties it was located, there was a pioneer house, a center for non-school work, a schoolchild's house, at present the building is closed, and you can only look at the appearance of the building, at its facades, at let's say, its artistic decoration, well at the building this year an investor and a former manor house appeared stanitsa. we also have the church of the ascension of the lord, built in 1879, our museum of military cooperation, but the real d