resources for environmental protection, pyotr vasilyevich, good morning, good morning, good morning, pyotr vasilievich in the world calendar, and tell me how often belarusians get these reptiles, well, in this regard , i would like to note that probably some belarusians lose interest in cats , whether you can keep one or not, in then not to look for ways to sell it or not to release it somewhere into nature at all, so with such a request, as they say, i want to turn to the belarusians, but then it turns out that suddenly a snake is found in a minsk yard, and such an unusual exotic one at that, yes, it is brightly colored, there are some i read, it had red, black light rings, the first, of course, well, what is the opinion that it is poisonous, yes, but thank god it turned out to be not poisonous, as far as i understand, no, it is not poisonous . well, i would say that not everyone who decided to have one, since 2007 there are three categories of animals that must be registered with the ministry of natural resources. categories are animals that are included in the red book of the republic of belarus. t