summit that's taking place, a resistance summit uh representative through media, which you had qazi hamad, senior uh senior leader was speaking there, we're looking at in terms of what he said, first the blow that the operation of the flood was able to level against the israel regime forces and apparatus there, including the army and the security and he said that was able to do that with a small number of fighters, destroyed this theory of invibility and will not be restored, something that israel has suffered from at this point, he said we have paid a high price for this and we sacrificing for the sake of this cause, this cancer has to be eliminated, he said, the main reason is because of the occupation, that's a pivotal reason and the core of what uh this fight is all about, the occupation only understands the language of force, we w to the palestinian and the muslim and arab journalist in picture. and sound that they have delivered in terms of bringing uh what is happening uh to the screens of everybody, people have awakened, especially in places like washington and germany, the savagy