further; te try te him qggald trume further; te try ta him to qggald trume further; ta tr- ta himt him to produce a deeper co—operation with that co—operation with ukraine that may amount to are called may amount to what are called security 7-—7 :_—:£ that could underpin j that could underpin any because 77 because the future ceasefire. because the belief here fundamentally is future ceasefire. because the belii without jndamentally is future ceasefire. because the belii without that, 1entally is future ceasefire. because the belii without that, without is that without that, without america's as a america's support as a safety net, any would barely net, any ceasefire would barely be worth the it is be worth the paper it is written because europe written on. because europe by its own acknowledgement is —: 7” fair? w 7 " 7 w torfillitihiat w 7 77 7 777 to7fil7l7t7h7at 5.55.7 7 straggling ts fill that—gases, , ,, , ukraine straggling te fill that—gases??? , ~ , ukraine has always l’f 7777help 77 77 7 77he7lp7whi7lst777 help whilst it7 has the 1elp whilst it77 has the fighting. ;t it7