dear quaestors, u.h.f. too many rebuttals. -- d.r. requestors, you each have two minute rebuttals. >> i am here on behalf of one of the neighbors. not much to rebut. the project sponsors seem to say that they have complied and the memo and produce as they have not. the recommendation from the planner is set out there. you have heard from the neighbors. you have heard from the direct neighbors as well as the surrounding neighbors, you have a petition with 24 immediate neighbors and you heard from the neighborhood association. this violates the guidelines. if we're not going to reduce it to land with the existing buildings which i think is the proper thing to do. if you are going to respect and enforce the design guidelines, if you're not going to do that, what's shaping. let's move it off of that so we do not have this wall, this towering wall on this tiny backyard that the family has had for the last few years. it would ease those corners away. and the plants and trees. the views are blocked of that large new extension in the rear yar