can be not only workable but very high qualityptions at ver reasonable prices. so he'l make the case for that. t i think, again he' leave a little of that detail for further me gche united nations inongress, which... ere this habecome a point of conteion and one where i think he'll try to s where are the votes. particularly in the senate can he get some republican votes or canhe at least resure the moderate democrats in the senate that we're movingforward for a wayhat willnsuret the current system is built upon rather than replaced wholesale. >> rose: do you believe, as some other people in the houseave id, anthony weiner and others, that if there's no public opti that tre's no vote for them? well, you know, i... first of all, iavor the public option. >> rose: but that's not t qution. if there'sno publi option... i know y favor it, know the president favors it. >> understand. m going to answer the question. >>ose: go ahead. >> remember and in retrospect think it was a mistakehen presidenclinton in the state of the union address in 1994 ld up the veto pen and sai