quanah leads his tribe off and away and mackenzie and his men are forced to hunger down and they are lucky they do not freeze to death. essentially, quanah got away. he schooled mackenzie in this plains were for. one of the key things is escape. but very few instances in history where a commander takes a village into the field against his adversary and wins. that is the kind of commander quanah parker was. he was quite brilliant. he obviously escaped to fight another day. he would not surrender until 1875 after almost every single one of their food source had been killed. that is all i want to say tonight. i would be happy, do we have time for questions? i am happy to answer questions. >> [inaudible] mr. gwynne: that was her cousin rachel parker plumber. >> [inaudible] do you have access to it? mr. gwynne: yes. this is one of the great things that you have at your disposal. rachel plumbers diary which is an unbelievable account for the very few captives she was taken for many months on to the planes so it is rather extraordinary. it is published. i also held the original. yes. i don't