que si el nino tiene emocion desordenale o problemas. yes. hay problemas. is he on medication? yes.medicacion. has he taken it today? yes. have you been outside? were you right here? you haven't seen anybody-- a white male with a beard and a butcher knife? no. nobody at all. okay. hicks: i got a little boy about your age. i know that sometimes when you're a kid, that you need attention, and things happen. ( starts to protest ) let me finish, okay? and then you can tell me the whole story again. the point is, if there was somebody here, and there was a problem here we need to know that. but if there wasn't... there was! listen to me. no one's gonna believe me, anyways! edwin, has this happened before? yes, yes, my dad already told you. when i was riding my bike. but were the stories true? yes, it was. my cousin was here. no one's gonna believe me, anyway. now, the past thing-- when somebody attempted to kidnap you-- was that story true? yes--no one believes me, so what's the difference? you're not listening. i'm asking simple questions. yes, but no one's gonna believe me. why not? no