in brisbane, queensland's state capital, a gold-rush mentality prevails. queensland gas corporation, a subsidiary of a british energy giant, is one of the companies with headquarters here. its head of development, an american, loves australia. he says the continent is rich in natural resources and has a low population -- the perfect combination. >> what i really think is exciting about this is that, with good luck, with the wind at our back, essentially we will create an industry that will be the pride of australia and the envy of the region. it's a big deal! >> but not everyone is so enthusiastic. the farmers are getting rebellious. "no mines -- gas or pipelines! lock the gate!" is their call to arms. they're refusing to cooperate, risking expensive lawsuits. the protest movement is growing throughout australia. conservative farmers march side by side with environmental activists, demonstrating against the ruthless exploitation of their land. >> the biggest worry is the water. in a country like australia, a continent like australia, the driest continent o