store owner in east some ee thhir rooe a ttreat to the community, others see it as a convenience. quentin renwiichey're what they need to do for the community because oo know e & doo't have to go out of the & cmmunitt we can come heee buy doo't see here it's a problem preeent studies suggest a highh ddnsity of liquoo stores ccn be proolematic especially in urban ceeters ike bbltimore. 2:41:344hhgh densiiy is still associited with 3&pstatistically signifiiaat hiiher rrtes of violent crime violence that doctor barbot ssys spillssintt the streets.... and becomessa wheee ttese businesses are located. 2:27:499community members ranked llquor outlet density as one of theirrtop ten concerns (23:39:43) under current zoning, these neiihborhood liquor tores aren't even allowedin residential neighborhoods anymmre. ttee've been panneddsince the 70's.23:37:18 door hoo23:38:44 door open but it's getting rid of tthse prrnddatherre in... that's proving to be aachalleege. if oneebottlee representt each of the non-confoornggliquor 4:28:23 thii is the nuuber - of businnsses that tand to be shut own 98butt 4:334:5 so