the structure made of wooden lats and reflective stainless steel, etched with the poetry of quenton baker> because of the reflection of the sculpture, it becomes an immersive experience, in that the viewer is injected into the storyline through tt reflection. thing resonates with people more in the visual arts than, than the human form. and here we are making the viewer that human form, which forces them to pay attention and forces confrontation between the past and the >> reporterhis part in the project, baker used the language of runaway slave ads from st. mary's county. those words became the poetry etched into the steel. >> it's an unthinkable reality to live your life as property. and so, what i hope the language reality of people as propertythe and the reality of the interiority of individuals who hrlivegh this, who still loved and cared and laughed and h aurt and bl broke and existed, in a reity of nonexistence. that's an impossible thing to tibhink about and an impo thing to consider, but that was also what happened. is not the only institution coming to terms with its