or queork. [ both chuckle ] excuse me. hey! amanda: this might be really bad for business.emonis: you guys want to look at quee-ork? it's really cool. julie: [ laughs ] lemonis: aah! nobody wants to look at quee-ork. everybody's drinking. it's a pretty store. it's well-merchandised, but literally every single thing in there is made of cork, and i was hoping that i would see some diversification of materials, maybe a little canvas or a little leather mixed with cork, and while the products are beautiful, i wanted to see a little more pizzazz. how much have you guys invested since you started? julie: close to 200 grand. lemonis: $200,000? amanda: yeah. julie: yeah. so... lemonis: and have you put any money in? amanda: no. lemonis: okay. amanda: i just work the store. lemonis: and where do you office out of? amanda: out of where we manufacture. lemonis: and you have a manufacturing facility? amanda: mm-hmm. lemonis: and you have all this for 200 grand? amanda: oh, yeah. lemonis: that's not bad. julie: well, we do -- amanda: there's more debt is the thing. julie: there's debt a