quetzalli: definitely. and the space, it's a place of healing, not only with the smoke from the copal, but also the different elements, like the plants, the drums, the rhythm. it's all about being in harmony, so that's part of the offering that you give as a dancer is your energy. so, that's part of the cleansing as well. damian: yeah, and you mentioned the harmony, and the video that we're looking at, we see the different nations, dancing at the same time. that--is it something that you just click, it clicks with everyone and you know the motions and the steps? or is just it's something that just happens because you're there in the moment? quetzalli: over time, you start to learn and recognize the different patterns so that you know when you're about to spin and do different motions. but when you're in the circle there at the ceremony, it's so harmonious. it's just, it's like intuition. it's beautiful. damian: yeah, the power of the circle, you can't underestimate that. well, again, this año nuevo mexica,