quince dentally, he had been a door-to-door sales man until the fire of 1871 in chicago.that really reduced the man for guilt-edged versions of the bible. he had to walk great distances out to the suburbs to try to sell books. when he heard about what westin was doing, he thought, well, i can do that. so he rented a rink in chicago and walked a hundred mile ins 23 hours. and then westin did it in 22 hours. soon, it became apparent that these were the two leading pe desz rans 234 the united states and it was time for a showdown. i call them the ali and the fraser of their age. westin was the character. he liked to perform wearing ruffled shirts and velvet jacket. he always carried a cane. sometimes he played coronet while he walked. he really understood that the event was more about athletics, it was about entertainment. that he was there to entertain the crowd. oleary on the other hand, would have none of that. he just wore a traditional, tight cotton pantwants and cott shirt and looked straight down at the track. wouldn't even acknowledge the crowd. he was always focused