we would be obamacare, obviously, let's finish the zombies before we reopen quiznos.ow about that, guys? hey, have we gotten the zombie outbreak under control, no, not at all, but it's time to get back to our normal lives. we've got to accept the zombies are part of our lives now, that's how we are. aaahhh! the zombies are eating our brains! look, a lot of us will lose a little bit of our brains to the zombies, okay, steve? stop being so dramatic, everybody's brains eat get the eaten a little bit. this is the price we pay for freedom. obviously, everyone wants the economy to be back up and running again, right? everyone wants that. businesses are struggling to stay open. people are losing their jobs. but the difficult truth is that -- if america leaves social distancing behind too soon, if any country does it too soon, the experts have warned that many people could die, and most people would want to do whatever it takes to prevent that from happening, but there's an interesting strain of thought going around that maybe a lot of people dying is just the cost of a reall