r us store where we often ride the ferris wheel. it reassured me to watch the best policemen in american history police commissioner ray kelly, but ist of america as well prepared tactically and emotionally and as well served as new york city is? i'm not certain that we are. and i'm not sure that our federal government is acting on the gathering storm clouds. are we safer now than we were nine years ago? or have our officials lost their way? the signs seem clear if we're willing to believe them. carnage of madrid. the butchering of london. the madness of mumbai and then examine the evidence affecting americans here at home. the conduct of major hasan at ford hood. the christmas day bomber. one foiled plot after the other to devastate trains, planes, the brooklyn bridge, kennedy airport, oh, but they were merely amateurist plots, correct? we were really not in danger. the self-confident narrative goes. yet, some of our leaders believe that political dissent from within our country is a true danger. that tea partiers and minutemen are actually the 21st century descendents of timothy mcveigh, that arizona law enforcement is the southw