mcafee?r. when does life begin and at one point -- at what point should it be a crime when a woman has an abortion? mr. mcafee: i do not know when life begins. i do know what it means to be with a woman who is forced to face this choice. i know that early on, the fetus is indistinguishable on the body of the woman, connected by the same blood, said by the same nutrition -- fed by the same nutrition. it is a complex problem but until you are faced with the issue as a woman or a father, it is your choice. it is your choice. [applause] larry: mr. perry? mr. perry: the question of abortion is one that has been biased. i know that government should not be involved, money should not be stolen from anybody to pay for any abortion or any abortion alternative services. [applause] larry: mr. perry, is there a point in your opinion where pregnancy -- terminating a pregnancy should be illegal? mr. perry: people should be allowed to adopt an unborn child, should they want to do so. larry: governor johnson? mr. johnson: i do not think that people realize the law of the land, the law of the land says that women have