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start of the conflict between russia and ukraine in 2014, there have been countless reports of c, r. s. v. committed by the russian forces against ukrainian civilians of all ages and genders as conflict related, sexual violence. of course, according to a report by the independent international commission of inquiry crane published in october of 2022 conflicts related sexual violence carried out by russia and ukraine . is being used as a tactic and a weapon of war. the report details, extensive sexual violence against men, women, children, and the elderly. as bringing emily praise, who's the director of the vendor policy portfolio at the near lines institute. and one of the authors of this report was pretty welcome to the day and rape and sexual violence are often called the cheapest weapon of war. do we have any indication as to how widespread this kind of abuse is in the war in ukraine to yes, we do. so this report that i wrote with professor tenure domain, doctor kinsey spears we worked with the office of the prosecutor general and ukraine. and so far as their team that works on culpabi
start of the conflict between russia and ukraine in 2014, there have been countless reports of c, r. s. v. committed by the russian forces against ukrainian civilians of all ages and genders as conflict related, sexual violence. of course, according to a report by the independent international commission of inquiry crane published in october of 2022 conflicts related sexual violence carried out by russia and ukraine . is being used as a tactic and a weapon of war. the report details, extensive...
Sep 18, 2023
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it in the context of influenza in r, s v, and other infectious diseases, but also in the context of floods. and droughts and fires to be able to make sure that this is a disease that we manage better. we can do much more to protect people against infection, protect people against developing severe disease and dying. not at the expense of other programs and other diseases, but we have to get this response, right? and that's what we're working on. how do we calibrate this response as we go forward? so much more work needs to be done to be able to achieve this. dr. marie of enter code dakota 19 technical lead at the world health organization. thank you so much for joining us on insight story. great to talk to you in great to get your perspective. thank. thanks for having me. the. all right, let's go ahead and bring in our guest. joining us from nor it's in the united kingdom is dr. paul hunter. he's professor in medicine at the university of east anglia. dr. patrick tank drawing just by sky from here in durham. he's the vision chief of micro biology, et cetera medicine. and joining by sky fro
it in the context of influenza in r, s v, and other infectious diseases, but also in the context of floods. and droughts and fires to be able to make sure that this is a disease that we manage better. we can do much more to protect people against infection, protect people against developing severe disease and dying. not at the expense of other programs and other diseases, but we have to get this response, right? and that's what we're working on. how do we calibrate this response as we go...
Sep 13, 2023
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seriosos efectos s secundas podríaían incluir r pancreats y proboblemas de v vesícul. en náusea,a, vómito y d diarrea, lo q que causa d deshidratacac. efectos s secundarioios incluyuyen náusea,a, ...y.y podría emempeorar prproblemas rerenales. efectos s secundarioios incluyuyen náusea,a, ahora pupuedo mamanejar mi diababetes de ototra manera.. cocon mounjaroro. pregúntatale a tu mémédico po. mounjaro.. ¡aÁnimo! ! swagger anantiperst drdry spray y y body washh de old spice, les dará la confianza y frescura que necesesitan parara ganar. les dará la confianza y frescura que necesesitan ((♪♪)) [a[aplausos] ((♪♪)) >> (musica). >> en momentos en que espaÑa vive una reivindicaciÓn de los derechos de la mujer por el beso no consentido a una jugadora, una periodista fue tocada indebidamente por un hombre mientras hacÍa una cobertura en vivo. s se respondioÓ agreresiÓn, p pero sospechoh hacer algo malo. minutos despuÉs insistiÓ en su inocencia y tuvo el cabello de la periodista. poco despuÉs fue arrestado por la policÍa y podrÍa ser acusado de agresiÓn sexual. un hombre se logrÓ
seriosos efectos s secundas podríaían incluir r pancreats y proboblemas de v vesícul. en náusea,a, vómito y d diarrea, lo q que causa d deshidratacac. efectos s secundarioios incluyuyen náusea,a, ...y.y podría emempeorar prproblemas rerenales. efectos s secundarioios incluyuyen náusea,a, ahora pupuedo mamanejar mi diababetes de ototra manera.. cocon mounjaroro. pregúntatale a tu mémédico po. mounjaro.. ¡aÁnimo! ! swagger anantiperst drdry spray y y body washh de old spice, les...
Sep 8, 2023
eye 103
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v in many p pe whetether you'rere 18 or 80. with one s small pill,l, biktararvy fights s h-i-v to help yoyou get to undetetectable—and stay t thee whether rerescribed anand getting o and d staying unundetectablele preventsts transmitttting h-i-v throrough sex. seriouous side effffects can occur,r, inincluding kikidney problbles anand kidney f failure. rare, , life-threaeatening side effffects include a a buildup ofof lactctic acid anand liver prproblems. dodo not take e biktarvy if youou take dofetilidede or rifampmpin. tell y your healththcare provir about t all the memedicines and supplelements you u take, if y you are preregnant or breasastfeeding,, or if f you have k kidney or liverer problems,s, inincluding hehepatitis. ifif you have e hepatitis sb dodo not stop p taking bikikty without t talking toto your healthcacare provideder. commonon side effefects were diarrrrhea, nausesea, and d headache.. no matteter where lilife tatakes you, biktktarvy can g go with you. tatalk to yourur healthcarae prprovider tododay. honey.y... honey.y... nynyquil s severe honeney. powerfulul cold and d flu ref wiwith a dreamamy honey tata. nyquilil honey
v in many p pe whetether you'rere 18 or 80. with one s small pill,l, biktararvy fights s h-i-v to help yoyou get to undetetectable—and stay t thee whether rerescribed anand getting o and d staying unundetectablele preventsts transmitttting h-i-v throrough sex. seriouous side effffects can occur,r, inincluding kikidney problbles anand kidney f failure. rare, , life-threaeatening side effffects include a a buildup ofof lactctic acid anand liver prproblems. dodo not take e biktarvy if youou take...
Sep 12, 2023
eye 160
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tomar r dovato conon dofetile puede caususar efectosos secundarioios graves o o mort. lala hepatitisis b puede v vole más scundarioios graves o o mort. tomemes dovato.. no dejejes de tomamar doo tomemes dovato.. sin coconsultar a a tu méd, ya queue la hepatititis b puede e empeorar o o ser mo. pueden preresentarse e efecs ya queue la hepatititis b puede e empeorar o o ser mo. secundararios graveses o mort, quque incluyenen rereacciones a alérgicas,, acacumulación n de ácido l láo quque incluyenen rereacciones a alérgicas,, y proboblemas de h hígado. quque incluyenen rereacciones a alérgicas,, si tienes s una erupcición cua y y otros síntntomas de reacccción alérgigica, deja de e tomar dovavato y ba atencición médica a de inmedia. ininforma a tutu médico sisi ts problemas s de riñón o o híg, atencición médica a de inmedia. o si eststás, puedeses estr o plananeas quedarar embaraz. dovatoto puede serer perjudil para t tu bebé en n gestac. usa a anticoncepeptivos efececs mimientras tomomes dovato.. no a amamantes m mientras tomemes dovato.. los efectotos secundararios más s frecuenteses de dovaton dololores de
tomar r dovato conon dofetile puede caususar efectosos secundarioios graves o o mort. lala hepatitisis b puede v vole más scundarioios graves o o mort. tomemes dovato.. no dejejes de tomamar doo tomemes dovato.. sin coconsultar a a tu méd, ya queue la hepatititis b puede e empeorar o o ser mo. pueden preresentarse e efecs ya queue la hepatititis b puede e empeorar o o ser mo. secundararios graveses o mort, quque incluyenen rereacciones a alérgicas,, acacumulación n de ácido l láo quque...
Sep 12, 2023
eye 113
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s only one v v8. mymy frequent t heartburn n he taking a antacid after r antacid alall day log bubut with pririlosec otcc and done h hearn relilief, prilososec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. at cretors, for one e and done h hearn relilief, prilososec otc. we handcraft every batch of our delicious popcorn. like our cretors cheese and caramel mix. great on their own, even better together. try cretors, handcrafted small-batch popcorn. >> stephen: they are launching the same thing, right? >> neil: yeah, same thing, but it's better when there's people. the risk factor is higher. >> stephen: hey, everybody. we're back here with the author of "starry messenger: cosmic perspectives on civilization," neil degrasse tyson. i want the cosmic perspective. not all of us can go to space. can i get it just sitting in traffic? >> neil: no, no. >> stephen: how do i get it? how do i get it, neil? other than buying "starry& messenger." >> neil: this is the only way to get the cosmic perspective. >> stephen: give me a quick cosmic perspective. >> neil: i will not put you top of the list. i'll put all the warr
s only one v v8. mymy frequent t heartburn n he taking a antacid after r antacid alall day log bubut with pririlosec otcc and done h hearn relilief, prilososec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. at cretors, for one e and done h hearn relilief, prilososec otc. we handcraft every batch of our delicious popcorn. like our cretors cheese and caramel mix. great on their own, even better together. try cretors, handcrafted small-batch popcorn. >> stephen: they are launching the same...
Sep 7, 2023
eye 36
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r todo tamañaño indust? ¿esese es tu plplan para ahahor? (dad) paparecía una a buena ideae. (m(mom) tengngo un mejoror plan: nos cambiamomos a myplanan dede verizon s son solo $2$25r línea. (vueue te ahorraramos el trabajajo de buscacar foformas de ahahorrar en tus rececetas. porqueue te ahorraramos el trabajajo de buscacar porque tusus medicinasas vin con etiqiquetas en e español porqueue te ahorraramos el trabajajo de buscacar y tete ahorraras las confnfusiones. porqueue te ahorraramos el trabajajo de buscacar poporque ahorrrras tiempoo al programamar todas las s recetas dede tu familia para el mismomo día. al programamar todas las s recetas dede tu familia y poporque solo o por surtir tutus recetass puedeses recibir h hasta 50 dóds en extxtrabucks. y poporque solo o por surtir tutus recetass ahorrara como quieieres, hablbla con el fararmacéutico o de tu cvs o visitata es.cvs.cocom oof raíces! ¿alguien dijo raices? magic root cover up de l'oreal paris cubre las canas en tres, dos, uno. ¡listo! ¡es magico! magic root cover up de l'oreal paris lo valemos siguientnte! ♪♪♪ sosonreír primimero puede e aye ♪♪♪ - sisiguiente! a alalguien a enencontrar elelr ♪♪♪ dede sonreír t ta
r todo tamañaño indust? ¿esese es tu plplan para ahahor? (dad) paparecía una a buena ideae. (m(mom) tengngo un mejoror plan: nos cambiamomos a myplanan dede verizon s son solo $2$25r línea. (vueue te ahorraramos el trabajajo de buscacar foformas de ahahorrar en tus rececetas. porqueue te ahorraramos el trabajajo de buscacar porque tusus medicinasas vin con etiqiquetas en e español porqueue te ahorraramos el trabajajo de buscacar y tete ahorraras las confnfusiones. porqueue te ahorraramos...
Sep 14, 2023
eye 52
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don'n't have to o worry about t daily hiv v pills because e i switcheded toto every-othther-month c cab. for r adults whoho are undetectctable, cacabenuva is scome long-actining hiv treaeatmet you can n get every y other m. itit's two injnjections frfm a healthcacare provideder. now when i i have peopople , hiv v pills arenen't on my m . don't rereceive e cabenuva ifif you're alallergic toto its ingreredients, or i if you're t taking cecertain medidicines, whicich may inteteract with cababenuva. serious siside effectsts ince allergic r reactions,, post-i-injection r reactio, liver proboblems, anand depressision. ifif you have e a rash andnd r alallergic reaeaction sympmpt, stop cabenenuva and geget medicacal help rigight a. tell youour doctor if you h have liver r probls or mental l health cononcer, anand if you a are pregnana, breastfeededing, or c consideringng pregnan. someme of the momost comn side effffects includude injectioion-site rereactions, fever, andnd tirednessss. if y you switch h to caben, atattend all treatment t appointmenents. it feeeels good toto just lie inin the momenent. wiwith every-o-other-monthh cacabenuva, i'i'm goo
don'n't have to o worry about t daily hiv v pills because e i switcheded toto every-othther-month c cab. for r adults whoho are undetectctable, cacabenuva is scome long-actining hiv treaeatmet you can n get every y other m. itit's two injnjections frfm a healthcacare provideder. now when i i have peopople , hiv v pills arenen't on my m . don't rereceive e cabenuva ifif you're alallergic toto its ingreredients, or i if you're t taking cecertain medidicines, whicich may inteteract with...
Sep 27, 2023
eye 124
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climÁti ca lo que nos llevarÍacuidar el medio c c candi >> c c c c c e st e v er a no >> c c c a la em is io g s e s >> que at rdo hagamos la autopsia al verano lucirÁ como una muerte siniestra donde muchas personas se sorprenderÁn incluso personas como yo que trabajan en el campo, lo mÁs sorprendente serÁ el impacto la economÍa, una vez que calculamos los costos de los sistemas hospitalarios, agricultura, el calor no es un evento aislado tiene tentÁculos que alcanzan otros aspectos de la sociedad. >> este aÑo la madre naturaleza tambiÉn sorprendiÓ con hechos fuera de lo normal; california despuÉs del paso de hillary y tb hawa. aÚn no termina el aÑo pero el panorama es desalentador. >> temperaturas de la superficie de los aromas calientes de lo normal tanto en el atlÁntico con el pacÍfico debido al episodio del niÑo que se espera se intensifique y eso puede suponer que tengamos huracanes intensos en estos Últimos meses del aÑo. >> y es que no es hablar de catÁstrofes y catÁstrofes pero lo que estÁ haciendo la humanidad para su futur. >> hay que estar preparados y seguir concientizandos pero la situaciÓn se pued
climÁti ca lo que nos llevarÍacuidar el medio c c candi >> c c c c c e st e v er a no >> c c c a la em is io g s e s >> que at rdo hagamos la autopsia al verano lucirÁ como una muerte siniestra donde muchas personas se sorprenderÁn incluso personas como yo que trabajan en el campo, lo mÁs sorprendente serÁ el impacto la economÍa, una vez que calculamos los costos de los sistemas hospitalarios, agricultura, el calor no es un evento aislado tiene tentÁculos que alcanzan...
Sep 13, 2023
eye 51
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don'n't have to o worry about t daily hiv v pills because e i switcheded toto every-othther-month c cab. for r adults whoho are undetectctable, cacabenuva is s the only c come long-actining hiv treaeatmet you can n get every y other m. itit's two injnjections frfm a healthcacare provideder. now when i i have peopople , hiv v pills arenen't on my m . don't rereceive e cabenuva ifif you're alallergic toto its ingreredients, or i if you're t taking cecertain medidicines, whicich may inteteract with cababenuva. serious siside effectsts ince allergic r reactions,, post-i-injection r reactio, liver proboblems, anand depressision. ifif you have e a rash andnd r alallergic reaeaction sympmpt, stop cabenenuva and geget medicacal help rigight a. tell youour doctor if you h have liver r probls or mental l health cononcer, anand if you a are pregnana, breastfeededing, or c consideringng pregnan. someme of the momost comn side effffects includude injectioion-site rereactions, fever, andnd tirednessss. if y you switch h to caben, atattend all treatment t appointmenents. it feeeels good toto just lie inin the momenent. wiwith every-o-other-monthh cacabenuv
don'n't have to o worry about t daily hiv v pills because e i switcheded toto every-othther-month c cab. for r adults whoho are undetectctable, cacabenuva is s the only c come long-actining hiv treaeatmet you can n get every y other m. itit's two injnjections frfm a healthcacare provideder. now when i i have peopople , hiv v pills arenen't on my m . don't rereceive e cabenuva ifif you're alallergic toto its ingreredients, or i if you're t taking cecertain medidicines, whicich may inteteract...
Sep 15, 2023
eye 31
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don'n't have to o worry about t daily hiv v pills because e i switcheded toto every-othther-month c cab. for r adults whoho are undetectctable, cacabenuva is s the only c come long-actining hiv treaeatmet you can n get every y other m. itit's two injnjections frfm a healthcacare provideder. now when i i have peopople , hiv v pills arenen't on my m . don't rereceive e cabenuva ifif you're alallergic toto its ingreredients, or i if you're t taking cecertain medidicines, whicich may inteteract with cababenuva. serious siside effectsts ince allergic r reactions,, post-i-injection r reactio, liver proboblems, anand depressision. ifif you have e a rash andnd r alallergic reaeaction sympmpt, stop cabenenuva and geget medicacal help rigight a. tell youour doctor if you h have liver r probls or mental l health cononcer, anand if you a are pregnana, breastfeededing, or c consideringng pregnan. someme of the momost comn side effffects includude injectioion-site rereactions, fever, andnd tirednessss. if y you switch h to caben, atattend all treatment t appointmenents. it feeeels good toto just lie inin the momenent. wiwith every-o-other-monthh cacabenuv
don'n't have to o worry about t daily hiv v pills because e i switcheded toto every-othther-month c cab. for r adults whoho are undetectctable, cacabenuva is s the only c come long-actining hiv treaeatmet you can n get every y other m. itit's two injnjections frfm a healthcacare provideder. now when i i have peopople , hiv v pills arenen't on my m . don't rereceive e cabenuva ifif you're alallergic toto its ingreredients, or i if you're t taking cecertain medidicines, whicich may inteteract...
Sep 13, 2023
eye 83
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don'n't have to o worry about t daily hiv v pills because e i switcheded toto every-othther-month c cab. for r adults whoho are undetectctable, cacabenuva is sc come long-actining hiv treaeatmet you can n get every y other m. itit's two injnjections frfm a healthcacare provideder. now when i i have peopople , hiv v pills arenen't on my m . don't rereceive e cabenuva ifif you're alallergic toto its ingreredients, or i if you're t taking cecertain medidicines, whicich may inteteract with cababenuva. serious siside effectsts ince allergic r reactions,, post-i-injection r reactio, liver proboblems, anand depressision. ifif you have e a rash andnd r alallergic reaeaction sympmpt, stop cabenenuva and geget medicacal help rigight a. tell youour doctor if you h have liver r probls or mental l health cononcer, anand if you a are pregnana, breastfeededing, or c consideringng pregnan. someme of the momost comn side effffects includude injectioion-site rereactions, fever, andnd tirednessss. if y you switch h to caben, atattend all treatment t appointmenents. it feeeels good toto just lie inin the momenent. wiwith every-o-other-monthh cacabenuva, i'i'm g
don'n't have to o worry about t daily hiv v pills because e i switcheded toto every-othther-month c cab. for r adults whoho are undetectctable, cacabenuva is sc come long-actining hiv treaeatmet you can n get every y other m. itit's two injnjections frfm a healthcacare provideder. now when i i have peopople , hiv v pills arenen't on my m . don't rereceive e cabenuva ifif you're alallergic toto its ingreredients, or i if you're t taking cecertain medidicines, whicich may inteteract with...
Sep 12, 2023
eye 44
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don'n't have to o worry about t daily hiv v pills because e i switcheded toto every-othther-month c cab. for r adults whoho are undetectctable, cacabenuva is satmet you can n get every y other m. itit's two injnjections frfm a healthcacare provideder. now when i i have peopople , hiv v pills arenen't on my m . don't rereceive e cabenuva ifif you're alallergic toto its ingreredients, or i if you're t taking cecertain medidicines, whicich may inteteract with cababenuva. serious siside effectsts ince allergic r reactions,, post-i-injection r reactio, liver proboblems, anand depressision. ifif you have e a rash andnd r alallergic reaeaction sympmpt, stop cabenenuva and geget medicacal help rigight a. tell youour doctor if you h have liver r probls or mental l health cononcer, anand if you a are pregnana, breastfeededing, or c consideringng pregnan. someme of the momost comn side effffects includude injectioion-site rereactions, fever, andnd tirednessss. if y you switch h to caben, atattend all treatment t appointmenents. it feeeels good toto just lie inin the momenent. wiwith every-o-other-monthh cacabenuva, i'i'm good to o . ask yourur doctor a
don'n't have to o worry about t daily hiv v pills because e i switcheded toto every-othther-month c cab. for r adults whoho are undetectctable, cacabenuva is satmet you can n get every y other m. itit's two injnjections frfm a healthcacare provideder. now when i i have peopople , hiv v pills arenen't on my m . don't rereceive e cabenuva ifif you're alallergic toto its ingreredients, or i if you're t taking cecertain medidicines, whicich may inteteract with cababenuva. serious siside effectsts...
Sep 11, 2023
eye 52
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don'n't have to o worry about t daily hiv v pills because e i switcheded toto every-othther-month c cab. for r adults whoho are undetectctable, cacabenuva is s the only c come long-actining hiv treaeatmet you can n get every y other m. itit's two injnjections frfm a healthcacare provideder. now when i i have peopople , hiv v pills arenen't on my m . don't rereceive e cabenuva ifif you're alallergic toto its ingreredients, or i if you're t taking cecertain medidicines, whicich may inteteract with cababenuva. serious siside effectsts ince allergic r reactions,, post-i-injection r reactio, liver proboblems, anand depressision. ifif you have e a rash andnd r alallergic reaeaction sympmpt, stop cabenenuva and geget medicacal help rigight a. tell youour doctor if you h have liver r probls or mental l health cononcer, anand if you a are pregnana, breastfeededing, or c consideringng pregnan. someme of the momost comn side effffects includude injectioion-site rereactions, fever, andnd tirednessss. if y you switch h to caben, atattend all treatment t appointmenents. it feeeels good toto just lie inin the momenent. wiwith every-o-other-monthh cacabenuv
don'n't have to o worry about t daily hiv v pills because e i switcheded toto every-othther-month c cab. for r adults whoho are undetectctable, cacabenuva is s the only c come long-actining hiv treaeatmet you can n get every y other m. itit's two injnjections frfm a healthcacare provideder. now when i i have peopople , hiv v pills arenen't on my m . don't rereceive e cabenuva ifif you're alallergic toto its ingreredients, or i if you're t taking cecertain medidicines, whicich may inteteract...
Sep 5, 2023
eye 40
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s so worth i it. lolove it, or r your m money . ohoh stuffed u up again? so c congested!! yoyou need six saline frorom v. wow! baby: daddddy. sinex. brereathe. ahhhhhhhh! >>> tonight police in pennsylvania may be closing in on a convicted killer who escaped from prison last week. there were multiple sightings of danelo cavalcante over the weekend. people in the area are being urged to lock their doors and stay alert. >> reporter: danelo cavalcante was spotted on a residential surveillance camera this weekend less than two miles from where he escaped. >> we are doing everything in our power to get this guy and people are working round the clock. i understand their fears. >> reporter: police are blaring a recorded message from cavalcante's mother through this helicopter and car speakers, urging him to surrender. they have narrowed their search to a residential area that's deep in the woods, closing off roads to limit access in or out. police say they have responded to well over 100 tips from neighbors in the area. since his escape from the chester county prison on thursday morning, cavalcante has been spot
s so worth i it. lolove it, or r your m money . ohoh stuffed u up again? so c congested!! yoyou need six saline frorom v. wow! baby: daddddy. sinex. brereathe. ahhhhhhhh! >>> tonight police in pennsylvania may be closing in on a convicted killer who escaped from prison last week. there were multiple sightings of danelo cavalcante over the weekend. people in the area are being urged to lock their doors and stay alert. >> reporter: danelo cavalcante was spotted on a residential...
Sep 13, 2023
eye 62
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don'n't have to o worry about t daily hiv v pills because e i switcheded toto every-othther-month c cab. for r adults whoho are undetectctable, cacabenuva is s the only c come long-actining hiv treaeatmet you can n get every y other m. itit's two injnjections frfm a healthcacare provideder. now when i i have peopople , hiv v pills arenen't on my m . don't rereceive e cabenuva ifif you're alallergic toto its ingreredients, or i if you're t taking cecertain medidicines, whicich may inteteract with cababenuva. serious siside effectsts ince allergic r reactions,, post-i-injection r reactio, liver proboblems, anand depressision. ifif you have e a rash andnd r alallergic reaeaction sympmpt, stop cabenenuva and geget medicacal help rigight a. tell youour doctor if you h have liver r probls or mental l health cononcer, anand if you a are pregnana, breastfeededing, or c consideringng pregnan. someme of the momost comn side effffects includude injectioion-site rereactions, fever, andnd tirednessss. if y you switch h to caben, atattend all treatment t appointmenents. it feeeels good toto just lie inin the momenent. wiwith every-o-other-monthh cacabenuv
don'n't have to o worry about t daily hiv v pills because e i switcheded toto every-othther-month c cab. for r adults whoho are undetectctable, cacabenuva is s the only c come long-actining hiv treaeatmet you can n get every y other m. itit's two injnjections frfm a healthcacare provideder. now when i i have peopople , hiv v pills arenen't on my m . don't rereceive e cabenuva ifif you're alallergic toto its ingreredients, or i if you're t taking cecertain medidicines, whicich may inteteract...
Sep 12, 2023
eye 21
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don'n't have to o worry about t daily hiv v pills because e i switcheded toto every-othther-month c cab. for r adults whoho are undetectctable, cacabenuva is song-actining hiv treaeatmet you can n get every y other m. itit's two injnjections frfm a healthcacare provideder. now when i i have peopople , hiv v pills arenen't on my m . don't rereceive e cabenuva ifif you're alallergic toto its ingreredients, or i if you're t taking cecertain medidicines, whicich may inteteract with cababenuva. serious siside effectsts ince allergic r reactions,, post-i-injection r reactio, liver proboblems, anand depressision. ifif you have e a rash andnd r alallergic reaeaction sympmpt, stop cabenenuva and geget medicacal help rigight a. tell youour doctor if you h have liver r probls or mental l health cononcer, anand if you a are pregnana, breastfeededing, or c consideringng pregnan. someme of the momost comn side effffects includude injectioion-site rereactions, fever, andnd tirednessss. if y you switch h to caben, atattend all treatment t appointmenents. it feeeels good toto just lie inin the momenent. wiwith every-o-other-monthh cacabenuva, i'i'm good to o
don'n't have to o worry about t daily hiv v pills because e i switcheded toto every-othther-month c cab. for r adults whoho are undetectctable, cacabenuva is song-actining hiv treaeatmet you can n get every y other m. itit's two injnjections frfm a healthcacare provideder. now when i i have peopople , hiv v pills arenen't on my m . don't rereceive e cabenuva ifif you're alallergic toto its ingreredients, or i if you're t taking cecertain medidicines, whicich may inteteract with cababenuva....
Sep 8, 2023
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s hahave occurrered. tell your r doctor if f you he an infecection, liliver or kididney problele, hihigh triglycycerides, or had a v. tyk2 is papart of t the jak famamily. it's notot known if f sotyktu has the e same risksks as j jak inhibititors. find w what plaqueue psoriass has beenen hiding. ask yourur dermatolologist abt sotyktktu for cleaearer skin. so clearlyly you. sotytyktu. we don't know any first responders... ...who o only give 9 90%. or farmersrs, the workrkers who build d our towns,s, roads,s, infrastruructure. they don''t stopop at half w. and gogood luck fifinding a smalall businessss owner who's happy with an 8080% effort.. [f-1-150 engine e roaring] ththat's s why they u use ford t trucks. ford f f-series, 1 100% assembleled in ameririca. because we're all in on america. [s[sneeze] ((♪♪)) astetepro allergrgy, steroid frfree allergygy ref that statarts workining in 30 minunutes, while e other allelergy sprays t take hours.s. with a astepro's u unbeatablyy fafast allergygy relief you can n astepro anand go! (vo) ultimate endless shrimp is here with a astepro's u unbeatablyy fafast allergygy relief w
s hahave occurrered. tell your r doctor if f you he an infecection, liliver or kididney problele, hihigh triglycycerides, or had a v. tyk2 is papart of t the jak famamily. it's notot known if f sotyktu has the e same risksks as j jak inhibititors. find w what plaqueue psoriass has beenen hiding. ask yourur dermatolologist abt sotyktktu for cleaearer skin. so clearlyly you. sotytyktu. we don't know any first responders... ...who o only give 9 90%. or farmersrs, the workrkers who build d our...
Sep 9, 2023
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s hahave occurrered. tell your r doctor if f you he an infecection, liliver or kididney problele, hihigh triglycycerides, or had a vtyk2 is papart of t the jak famamily. it's notot known if f sotyktu has the e same risksks as j jak inhibititors. find w what plaqueue psoriass has beenen hiding. ask yourur dermatolologist abt sotyktktu for cleaearer skin. so clearlyly you. sotytyktu. [bonones crackining] ♪ (tensnse music) ♪ one e aleve workrks all dayy so i canan keep workrking mymy magic. just one a aleve. 12 hours of uninteterrupted pain relelief. alaleve. whwho do you t take it for?? (cat 1) friskies world! the purr-fect reminder that... life's more fun in the deep end. (cat 2) yeah! so never stop exploring... always keep it real... (cat 1) and do whatever floats your boat - just like we do. (vo) feed their fantasy. ♪friskies♪ (vo) you weren't made for moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. but entyvio is. in clinical trials, entyvio helped many people achieve long-term relief and remission. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk o
s hahave occurrered. tell your r doctor if f you he an infecection, liliver or kididney problele, hihigh triglycycerides, or had a vtyk2 is papart of t the jak famamily. it's notot known if f sotyktu has the e same risksks as j jak inhibititors. find w what plaqueue psoriass has beenen hiding. ask yourur dermatolologist abt sotyktktu for cleaearer skin. so clearlyly you. sotytyktu. [bonones crackining] ♪ (tensnse music) ♪ one e aleve workrks all dayy so i canan keep workrking mymy magic....
Sep 9, 2023
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r todo tamañaño indust? ¿esese es tu plplan para ahahor? (dad) paparecía una a buena ideae. (m(mom) tengngo un mejoror plan: nos cambiamomos a myplanan dede verizon s son solo $2$25r línea. (v..recibeses reembolsosos popor tus compmpras. así seasas equipo dede uno o o tengas un n gran equip. tú lo haceces, nonosotros te e ayudamos.. wow... ¡qué é cute! ya c con su p propio negogocito. ¿cute? ? esto no es cute. esto e es tenerloo demasiadado fácil. ahora,a, él puede e hacerlo dee aquíuí afuera..... con el s servicio móvil mámás rápido.. adememás mis papapás se ahoron momontón... mímíralo. cámbiate a a xfinity m mobily consigigue el mejojor precio popor dos líneneas de unlilimito $30 0 por línea a al mes. con xfxfinity. el l hogar del 10g g network. ♪♪ (mÚsica) . >>>> en turquÍa hay una carrera contra el reloj para rescatar al estadounidense atrapado en la tercera cueva mÁs profunda del paÍs, mark se encuentra a mÁs de 3.000 pies de profundidad. su rescate podrÍa demorar entre tres a cuatro dÍas. >> en espaÑa la fiscalÍa presentÓ una querella contra luis rubiales, el presidente suspendido de la federaciÓn de fÚtbol, la demanda abre el camino para que sea citado a declarar por
r todo tamañaño indust? ¿esese es tu plplan para ahahor? (dad) paparecía una a buena ideae. (m(mom) tengngo un mejoror plan: nos cambiamomos a myplanan dede verizon s son solo $2$25r línea. (v..recibeses reembolsosos popor tus compmpras. así seasas equipo dede uno o o tengas un n gran equip. tú lo haceces, nonosotros te e ayudamos.. wow... ¡qué é cute! ya c con su p propio negogocito. ¿cute? ? esto no es cute. esto e es tenerloo demasiadado fácil. ahora,a, él puede e hacerlo dee...