r. stickle dissatisfaction. now, just to go back to bonnie's recommendations, and in the review of our performance, we did our best to include these in what you see here. there are a few examples where we will not be able to do this immediately. the rate of pole in, that will take some time. one was to look at training hours and restoring that. from our perspective, these are not an outcome matter. that may not necessarily be tied to a reduction in collisions, so with the effectiveness of our training is service. but by and large, we are doing our best to incorporate the recommendations that they put forth. so, following any comments or concerns or suggestions, we certainly have a lot to tackle in the months to come. we started out as i mentioned to you, we ended up with about 70 metrics. it was a completely different direction than we originally intended. currently, we are in about winning the data metrics, working with folks to get that all cleaned up where necessary, and also identifying champion organization