r.f. spmbings being prepared and will be going out on the child care use. there has been continuing discussion about an r.f.p. from that. a report on the budget. there are budget committee -- budget committee met on may 26. there are a couple of pages. bear with me as i read them. i think there are about seven. just kidding. an overview. i wish that you had done that earlier on other people, quite frankly. i think that we would -- we went over the governor's may -- we'll hear more about it on the 21st. it is very complicated. everyone is interested, please tune into our meeting on the 21st. now another thing that is very, very disturbing is that we heard about the special education budget that is now looking like about $60 million of our general fund contributions to special education which is a $20 million difference from last year. increase. so we're -- there is an elimination of an aara fund i think that we're picking up. actually this was rather disturbing i think to memberses of the board that listen to this. we -- i don't think that we were prepared f